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Merry shivered.

Clark pulled away, running his hands up and down her arms. “You should get inside. It’s chilly. Jace! Come on.”

The boy climbed to his feet with a sigh, trudging back toward them.

“Say goodnight, Jace.”

Suddenly, the boy ran full tilt into her middle, almost knocking the wind out of her and squeezing her tight. “Thank you for letting me play with your puppy.”

“Like I said, anytime you want to come over you can, but I was wondering…what do you think of the name Daisy? When we were making the tacos tonight and I put a dollop of Daisy sour cream on my taco, I thought, now she’s white, a little sour, but lovable. Right?”

Jace seemed to mull it over, then nodded. “It could work.”

“I’m glad you approve. I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?”


Merry got hold of the puppy before they passed through the gate and the white fuzzball whined as they walked away under the dusky sky. Merry carried her back up the stairs into the house.

Merry put her down in front of her food and water and although she downed half her bowl of water, Daisy didn’t touch her food. She wasn’t worried about it, as the vet warned her Daisy might not eat today due to stress.

Merry grabbed her phone and sat on her couch, tapping on the MeetMe app. There was a message from Woodsman, from two and a half hours ago.


I’m counting down the days until Friday. I only hope we get along as well in person as we do here. Are you nervous?


Daisy scratched at the door, but Merry gave her a firm no. With her head down, she climbed up the stairs and put her big feet on the cushion of the couch but couldn’t make it all the way up on her own. Merry lifted her up, smiling as she settled on the cushion with her head in Merry’s lap. Merry stroked her fur with one hand and tapped out a reply with the other.


I am nervous for many reasons. What if we don’t get along as well in person? Or if there’s no chemistry? What if we’re both expecting this to be more than just a friendly communication between two lonely people?

There are so many what-ifs rattling around in my head and I know they won’t go away until we meet and to be honest…there is someone else I have feelings for. It’s new and I’m not even sure he feels the same, but I wanted to be honest before we met.

I hope this doesn’t change your mind about Friday.


P.S. Do you like dogs or cats better?

Merry’s phone rang before she could hit send and she tapped on the talk button. “Hello?”

“Hello, is this Merry Winters?”

“Yes, and if you’re calling to talk about my car’s extended warranty, I’m not interested.”

“No, this is Faith Hagen with Channel Ten news in Twin Falls. I’m calling because we received some footage of you rescuing a puppy today and we’d like to set up an interview with you tomorrow. Are you free?”

Chapter 13


Clark drove the quad back to the office Friday afternoon, his thoughts still as heavy as they were since that morning. Ever since he read KnottyGirl25’s message.

He appreciated her honesty, but now he wondered why she wanted to meet him if she was interested in someone she already knew in person. Why not pursue something with him? Like she pointed out, there was no guarantee anything would come of their date.

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