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Merry bit back a laugh. It wouldn’t be productive to tease Ryan that all of the dramatic canning enthusiasts could be matching his energy. His exuberance was one of the reasons she’d connected with Ryan in the first place, they were both dramatic individuals, but right now Ryan had taken it to an SNL level. Maybe he needed to switch to decaf.

“Why don’t you email me your layout and a list of the people, marking who they don’t get along with. A second set of eyes on it couldn’t hurt. And if Mrs. Carlson calls again, give her my number and I’ll handle her.”

Ryan reached across the table and took her hand in both of his. “Thank you, Merry. I did the vendors last year and it wasn’t this bad, but we have fifteen more this year. It’s like squishing a bunch of fighting cats into one carrier! I swear, someone put out an advertisement for crazy at a Christmas charity function and everyone responded.”

Merry didn’t admit that she’d been the one to offer a discounted booth rate to anyone who bought a tree to auction off as well. She’d been shocked by the number of people who’d jumped at the chance to do both, and several businesses had gone halvesies on either a booth or a tree. However they wanted to do it was fine with Merry, as long as it meant more money raised.

“It’s no problem. Sometimes people stress out around the holidays and aren’t their best selves. We got this.”

Ryan released her hand and stacked his napkin on top of his half-eaten Denver Omelet. “I know, it was just a day,” he said, followed by a heavy sigh. “Thanks for putting up with me.”

“Thank you for being here. I appreciate the extra assistance with this event. Dana didn’t tell me about the committee and if you hadn’t reached out, I would have been scrambling to get all of it done.”

“No offense, but Dana was a mess last year. I don’t know how many times I had to tell that woman to breathe and hydrate and I swear there was something more than water in that travel cup she was carrying around.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me. I’m two weeks into planning this thing, and I’m tempted to walk around with a flask in my purse.”

“If you’re drinking the good stuff, you’d better share.” Ryan checked his smart watch with a click of his tongue. “I gotta get to work, but this should cover my meal…” He trailed off as he pulled his wallet out.

“Don’t worry about it. You can buy next time.”

Ryan snapped his wallet closed with a grin. “I’m good with that. I’ll call you later.”

“Please let it be a social call and not more drama,” she pleaded playfully.

“Yes, we will make plans for food and margaritas and I will do my best to wrangle the K squad into submission.”

“The K squad?”

“The Kyles and Karens of this town. Your support has empowered me and the next time an agent of petty comes at me in a fit of temper, I will level them.”

“Can you do it with kindness though? Because we still want their donations.”

“Always, but if they push me—”

“Send them to me,” she reiterated.

He climbed out of the booth with a nod. “I will if it gets too hairy. Thanks for letting me vent. Enjoy your free day.”

“I will, thanks.”

Ryan leaned over and gave her a hug before ducking out the front door. Once he walked passed the window, Merry sat back against the bench seat of the booth, sipping on her coffee and enjoying the quiet.

Despite all the hiccups and drama, she was pleasantly surprised with the way people had stepped up this year and she couldn’t wait to see all the beautiful trees. At least, she hoped they were all tastefully decorated. The plumbers mentioned something about making a tree stand out of a toilet and she couldn’t help thinking ick, even though they’d assured her it was brand new.

She finished off her coffee and before she put the phone in her purse, Merry tapped on the MeetMe app. After reading Woodsman27’s second message on Sunday, she’d responded, a nagging idea marinating in the back of her mind.

What if the Woodsman was Clark?

She didn’t know for sure, and it could be wishful thinking, but she really wanted it to be. Yes, he’d been adamant about not dating, but what if this had been a fluke, like the Woodsman said? He wasn’t planning to meet anyone, but once they started talking, he changed his mind?

Not only that, but Clark and the Woodsman both had their brother unexpectedly visit and with the exception of Clark, the Woodsman was the only other man who’d even piqued her interest. There was no way that was a coincidence.

Merry clicked on the newest message from him, imagining Clark’s voice in her head.

Hey KnottyGirl,

Do you ever walk outside and just breathe in the cold? There is something about that crisp air that makes me think of all the winter activities that are about to start. Snow-mobiling, ice skating, sledding, snowball fights…I know I’ve told you I love outdoor activities, but I am also partial to the cold versus the three months out of the year Idaho warms up.

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