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Tuesday 12:11pm


Wow, that’s a lot a pressure to put on a man. But I’m going to have to go with potatoes and gravy. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, so the yams are wasted on me. And potatoes pair nicely with prime rib, which is my favorite, but I usually make a ham because it is cheaper. I’m curious if I passed your test and if I did, which side would have a been a deal breaker.

As for my next poll, let’s talk presents. Do you…

a) Open one on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas day

b) All on Christmas morning after breakfast

c) All on Christmas after dinner

d) One a day starting the 12 days of Christmas?

Personally, I love gift giving and cannot wait to watch someone open up something I chose for them. And I am an excellent gift giver.


Tuesday 4:02pm


Oh, if you’d said Brussels sprouts we’d be done here. I get the dilemma of prime rib vs. ham. Even if it was my first choice, there is no way I would buy it unless I was charging for admission. Although you not liking sweets is unnerving. Oh well, more for me!

And who the heck waits until after Christmas dinner to open presents?! That is pure torture. Evil personified. Sadistic to the max!

All right, so I’m a bit dramatic, but to answer your question, I am all about the night before Christmas present. We’d open ours at around five in the evening because it was always a pair of pajamas with matching slippers, flavored cocoa, and a bag of our favorite popcorn. We’d all vote on what movie to watch, and then get up early to open presents BEFORE breakfast. We usually have biscuits and gravy or cinnamon rolls, which pair nicely with coffee and Baileys, I might add.

Oh, so that’s your love language? Gift giving? Mine is acts of service and gifts.

What is the best gift you’ve ever given and received?

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to make dinner and devour it along with a glass of wine in my bathtub because that is my favorite place in the whole world. (My second favorite place is my bed because I love sleep!)


Tuesday 8:26 pm


I don’t mind Brussels sprouts, with enough butter and seasoning. And yes, I will pass along all my sweets to you…except pumpkin pie. That one I’ll keep.

I’m glad I am not one of those foul demons who waits until after dinner for Christmas presents because I’m a little scared you’d come after me with a shotgun and salt rounds…maybe some holy water. I bet you used to jump on your parents at five in the morning for presents, didn’t you?

Your night before Christmas present sounds awesome. My family didn’t celebrate Christmas growing up. Not for religious reasons, but because my parents didn’t want to. My brother and I started celebrating when we became adults, but the best present I ever received was a copy of Where the Wild Things Are from my kindergarten teacher. It was my first Christmas present and I still have the copy on my shelf.

As for the best present I’ve ever given, the year I gave my brother a monogrammed stocking filled with his favorite candies and snacks he cried. I’m going to go out on a limb and call that the best present I’ve ever given.

My favorite place is the woods, followed closely by sitting in front of a fireplace. I hope you’re not a spoiled brat, but even if you are, at least you’re a funny one.

I’m off to bed, but I hope I have a message from you in the morning.


Tuesday 10:43 pm

Hey Woodsman27,

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