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“No, but it’s rude.”

“I stand by my rudeness this morning. Now, I’m late.” Hopping from foot to foot she got on her socks and shoes and then came around the back of the kitchen and kissed Jace on top of his head. “Have a good day.”

“You too.”

She grabbed a cinnamon roll, shrugged, and kissed Sam on the top of his head. “You have a good day too.”

“Thanks, I will.”

She skidded to a halt before the door. “Wait, where is Clark?”

“In his workshop,” Sam said.

“And my dog?”

“With my brother.”

“All right.”

“Are you going to have this kind of energy every morning?” Sam called after her. “Because if so, I am going to need to mentally prepare myself to live with you.”

Merry slammed the front door without responding, because really, she didn’t know what the future held. Only that her future included Clark and Jace. After the parade ended, they’d gotten changed and headed home. She’d grabbed Daisy from her kennel and walked her the several hundred feet to Clark’s place. Jace had wanted Daisy in his room, but they’d vetoed the idea due to her destructive nature. He’d been disappointed until they’d agreed to let him hang in Clark’s room and watch a movie. Clark carried him to bed when he fell asleep, and after…

Well, Merry had tried to be very quiet, but based on Sam’s smirk, she hadn’t been successful.

Merry trekked down the hill, calling Clark’s name. She was reaching for the handles on his shop door when he opened them and stepped out, Daisy following along beside him.

“Good morning.” He kissed her long and lingeringly, making her shiver.

“Hey, what are you doing in there?” she asked, craning her neck.

“Nothing, just woodwork. Did you sleep okay?”

“A little too good. Sorry, I’m borrowing a shirt because I am so late.” She kissed him again, fast and hard. “Would you mind taking Daisy to my parents’ for me?”

“Yeah, I can do that.”

“You are a life saver.” One more kiss and then she took off up the hill, waving. “I’ll see you soon. I love you.”

“I love you too. Good luck.”

Merry didn’t slow as she booked it across town, even when a sheriff’s deputy flashed his lights when she passed. Her phone rang as she took the left into the community center parking lot and she pressed the green phone on her screen.


“Are we still having your launch party in January?” Holly asked.

“Yes, that is the plan.”

“I’m only checking because your pre-sale Christmas numbers are excellent, so if you wanted to open early…”

“Holly, with Clark, the Parade of Lights, the festival, my job at the school, and learning the ins and outs of the farm, I cannot launch until after the new year. I closed the pre-order sheet because it was getting out of control and there was no way I was going to get all those orders done if I kept it open.”

“All right, but if you want to lighten your load, I would put in your notice at the school. And have you seen how many new followers you’ve gained?”

Merry grinned as she parked next to Ryan’s monster truck. “Twenty-one thousand as of last night, and depending on how sales go over the next six months, I may just do that.”

“You’ve got two thousand more this morning and—”

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