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“Adult women don’t chase men. At least, not in that way.”

“What way, then?”

Clark rubbed the back of his neck, searching for an explanation. “Adults go out to dinners and movies. We date.”

“So, why don’t you date?”

“I guess I haven’t found someone I want to spend my time with.”

Jace turned to stare at him with brows knitted together and a deep frown. “I think you should try. I know you get sad sometimes. Maybe finding someone nice will make you happy.”

“First rule to happiness, buddy, is you gotta find it in yourself before you can be happy with anyone else.”

“Why wouldn’t you be happy with yourself? You’re awesome, Dad.”

Clark hugged Jace tight. “Thanks. I think you’re awesome too.”

“I know,” Jace said, leaning against Clark’s side. “I think it would be nice to have other people, is all. It’s always just us.”

“We’ve got Uncle Sam.”

“But he isn’t here and…”

“And what?”

“He doesn’t smell good.”

Clark would have laughed if the words didn’t sting. “What about me? Do I stink?”

“No. It’s just…never mind.”

Jace didn’t say anything more, but the conversation lingered, echoing in Clark’s head. Jace wanted Clark to be with someone nice, but there weren’t a lot of nice women who caught Clark’s interest. Independent women who didn’t need him were the only women he’d ever known romantically and sexually, starting with Patrice. He wouldn’t even know what to do with a sweet girl; she’d probably run screaming at his brutal honesty.

Still…if Jace wanted someone in their life, he could at least consider the possibilities.

Clark pulled out his phone just as Snoopy donned his pilgrim costume. Clark scrolled through the app store, his thumb hovering over the pink square with the two letter Ms entwined. The MeetMe app commercials had popped up a few times while watching videos on YouTube, and while he usually skipped past them, he watched long enough for it to stick in his mind. Maybe that was a sign he wasn’t as closed off to finding someone as he thought.

His conversation with Jace brought to light some hard truths. Clark’s life consisted of work, Jace, eat, and sleep. He’d never gone out bar hopping with friends like other guys his age and hook-ups only occurred when he could find a trusted babysitter for a few hours, always at her place or a hotel. He never stayed long, but the women he chose knew the score.

Clark stared at the screen, tapping on the box titled username. Woodsman27. Even if he weren’t a single dad, he’d want a little anonymity. Especially considering his past experiences. He typed up a short bio and uploaded a picture of one of his woodworking projects.

Before he could second guess himself, he clicked all of the boxes below the section titled what are you looking for and hit submit—including FWB. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to find a “friends with benefits” situation at least. Someone who wasn’t looking for forever or didn’t want to complicate his life, but could stave off the sadness his son sensed.

And if it grew from there—

“Dad! You’re not watching!”

Clark practically dropped his phone, every cell in his body screaming to take it back. “Sorry, buddy.”

“You always say no devices during our time.”

“You’re right. Won’t happen again.”

They continued watching the show, but Clark’s heart didn’t slow as his phone dinged once. Then twice. And a third time as he carried his sleeping son to bed ten minutes later. When he came back to it, the app had found three matches in the area, all looking for FWB to dating.

He clicked on the first match and immediately scrolled past her profile. Clark wanted someone that was at least old enough to legally get a drink.

The next woman’s profile pic was a set of handcuffs and a crop.

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