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Benny was out there having a good time and she was...

He spun her again, drawing her back against him, his gaze serious. “Elizabeth...”


“Would you like to see the back side of the barn?”

She had no idea why she would want to see the back side of the barn.

She blinked. “Is it different than the front side of the barn?”

“Yes. Very different.”


“I think very notable.”


He took her hand and led her away from the bonfire, and she followed, because he had said he was showing her the back side of the barn, and that it was a notable back side to a barn, so why wouldn’t she go with him?

But when they got around behind it, it was just dark, there was no one back there, and she had no idea what about it was so different. “How is this different than the front side?”

“Well, in the front of the barn, I have to keep a respectable distance between the two of us. And in the back of the barn, I can do this.”

Then he leaned down, and pressed his mouth to hers. And the world caught fire.


HE WAS KISSING her again. And he knew that it was a really damned bad idea. And he didn’t care. Not even a little bit. He couldn’t care. He was lost to logic. Because he had been holding her in his arms, dancing around the bonfire, and she was just so soft. And even with the smell of the smoke, the burning wood, the alcohol, he could smell her. Flowers and vanilla and everything sweet and feminine and wonderful. Something that he suddenly felt starved for, and he had dragged her back here without thinking it through.

Liar. You thought it through. You just wanted to kiss her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him, as he gripped her chin and held her head steady, parting his lips and dipping his tongue deep, tasting her, the slick friction driving him crazy.

“I see,” she panted. “I see how it’s different.”

“Dammit,” he said, cursing because this was a lost cause and so was he. Cursing because he just needed her. He needed this woman. In ways that he couldn’t articulate. In ways that he would never be able to understand.

Impossible ways.

It went beyond logic. It went beyond being horny. It was all about insane chemistry. It was like she was the only one who could give him this thing that he was dying for. Something that he couldn’t go another moment without having. Something essential that he needed to bring into himself. That floral-vanilla-and-feminine softness.

Dammit all. But really, dammit all. He was such a lost fucking cause.

He pressed her up against the back side of that barn, and luxuriated in the feel of her full, glorious breasts pressed against his chest. That woman.

“You are something else,” he growled, biting the side of her neck. She gasped, arching against him. And he just... Kept on kissing her. And he couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed a woman, just kissed her. He didn’t think he ever had. Just kissing. Enjoying the way that it amped up the fire between them. Needing the flame to rise higher.

Needing more.

But not being in a hurry to have it.

He thought that his chest was going to burst with the way his heart was beating. So hard, so fast. He thought that he was losing his mind.

Or at the very least, losing his sense of time. Of place.

She moved her hands down his back, and then back up, and he found his own hands wandering, moving down to cup her breasts. And she gasped. He slid his thumb across them, and even through the lightly padded bra, he could feel her nipples beading. Begging for his attention. He wanted to strip her naked. Right then and there. Wanted to take her top off, get his hands on her bare breasts. He wanted to unbutton her jeans, unzip them, stick his hand down into her panties, and feel if she was wet for him.

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