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And there was no space to wonder if he felt the same thing she did. This reckless heat that defied everything she had ever known about herself, all the things that she had just reiterated inside.

Then he leaned in, and his lips touched hers.


SHE WAS DIZZY. She thought she was going to collapse.

That woodsy scent of him filled her, his heat nearly overcoming her.

He was holding on to her, and if he hadn’t been, she would’ve crumbled into a heap, right at his feet. She had only ever kissed one man in all her life. And this was different. So very different. His whiskers were rough, just like they’d been in her dreams, and his hold was stronger than she had known to imagine.

His grip was bruising as he held her there, and she found herself arching against him, leaning in, trying to find some way to alleviate the ache that was building inside of her.

The ache that had been building inside her since the first time she’d laid eyes on him months ago.

She had thought that he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, unequivocally, even then.

But she had never imagined that she would end up here.

In his arms.

And she hadn’t imagined—even in her dreams—that it would be like this. She had never experienced anything like this. She didn’t know that you could find something this incredible in something as simple as a kiss. Of course, this kiss couldn’t be called anything like simple.

It was a full-body experience. Her heart was raging out of control, her breasts suddenly feeling heavy, her nipples going tight.

She was... She throbbed. Between her legs. She was wet there, instantly. Embarrassingly.

Except... She couldn’t even be embarrassed, because she was just too hot. And she was driven by this.

His body was so hard, and he was so tall. And everything about him was different. Everything about this kiss was different than any of her previous experiences—all with only one other man.

This wasn’t about closeness. It wasn’t about comfort. It wasn’t about being soothed by not being alone. This was about passion. About heat and fire, and the kind of desire that she’d never known existed inside of her.

She found herself clinging to his broad shoulders, then letting her hand slide down his chest, those muscles...

They were so...

She didn’t have words for it. She didn’t have words at all. She only had need. And there was no thought. No thought of the future, no thought of anything but how amazing it felt to have his mouth on hers.

He parted his lips, and slid his tongue inside for a taste. And she shivered. He growled, and pushed her against the wall. It was hard behind her, and he was equally hard in front of her, and when he arched his hips forward, and she could feel him... All of him... She nearly went up in flames.

She found herself moving her hands down lower, over his flat, hard stomach, and down to the evidence of his desire.

She gasped when she grazed him with her fingertips. She hadn’t gotten the full measure of him, but just that little exploratory touch was a revelation.

And she found herself doing something she would have never thought she would do. Not Elizabeth Colfax. Only been with one man, married at twenty, mother by twenty-one. Celibate for six years. She would never do this. She would certainly never put her hands on a man’s belt and began to undo it with shaking fingers as if she might die if she couldn’t get to what was behind it. But there she was. She got the belt undone, and then she went for the button on his jeans, before he jerked himself away.

“Hey,” he said, his voice rough. “Take a breath.”

She was dizzy. And then suddenly, she was humiliated.

She had just... And then he... He was the one who had presence of mind to do anything. To stop it.

She had been a stranger. A really horny stranger, acting like a sex-crazed beast.

She looked at him, at this faint slash of red that covered his cheekbones, at the way his chest rose and fell sharply. She could still see his arousal, pressed hard against the front of his jeans, his belt hanging open.

But he’d been able to stop.

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