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The thing about being a guy who preferred a random hookup was that he didn’t often experience specific chemistry. He was usually just looking for a woman who pushed his buttons in a general sense. One who wanted him, one who wanted the same things he did.

Never in all his life had chemistry come before that commonsense approach to casual sex.

This woman made no sense. None at all. His body shouldn’t be responding to her. And yet it was. There was a dark, sensual pull between them that superseded anything he’d ever felt before. It was specific. He could go out to Smokey’s tonight and find a woman and hook up, scratch the generic sex itch, and as soon as he saw Elizabeth, he would be just as horny as he’d been before he got laid.

He knew it. Didn’t have to have experienced it before to know it either. He just knew it.

He shifted slightly, and rested his hand on the wall just above her head, leaning in.

Her eyes went wide, and he saw a shiver of something that looked like interest and fear mingled together there.

Her eyes were just so blue.

And the look on her face...

“I’m going to go check on Benny,” she said.

“Good,” he said.

He shifted, moving away from her quickly, and headed down the stairs without looking back behind him to look at her ass in her flimsy pants. Because what had just happened was... He needed to go out to the bar.

“Hey,” he said to Lachlan when he returned. “You want to go out?”

“Sure,” Lachlan said.

He grabbed his coat, and he thought about telling Gus to give Elizabeth his regards, or something like that, but decided against it.

“Where are you guys going?” Hunter asked.

“Smokey’s,” Lachlan said.


“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, Hunt,” Lachlan responded.

“It’s Sunday night,” Brody said. “The last gasp of the weekend.”

“You have to get up for work tomorrow,” Gus pointed out.

“I have to get up for work every day,” he said. “I’m a rancher.”

“Yes, but tomorrow we’re starting the school stuff.”

“I’m aware, Angus.”

He followed Lachlan out the door, and the two of them made a beeline for their pickup trucks. They didn’t ride together. That didn’t work. Not if they were trying to hook up.

And that was the unspoken, obvious point of this trip.

It was a quick eight minutes from McCloud’s Landing, down the dirt road to the highway that took them to Smokey’s Tavern. His brother’s headlights shone through his back window the whole trip, and when they killed their engines and got out of the trucks, he turned to Lachlan. “Next time, don’t tailgate me.”

Lach shrugged. “Next time, don’t drive like a grandma.”


“Sorry. That was offensive to grandmas everywhere.”

He punched his brother on the shoulder, and the two of them walked through the door that led inside. It was a simple establishment, wood floors, a bar with metal stools that had cushioned red seats. A mixture of a fifties diner and a barn. An unholy car crash of the two, really.

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