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“Dad raised me by himself,” Charity said.

It was a surprise, to know that Charity had been raised entirely by a man. She was so soft and feminine.

“I didn’t do so bad, did I?” he asked. The question was so earnest it made Elizabeth’s heart hurt.

“You did great, Dad.”

“I have a very extensive insect collection. Fascinating creatures.” The segue was abrupt, yet not unpleasant. “But of course you don’t do veterinary work on insects, which is perhaps why I find them so interesting.”

“Why don’t you tell her about the animals you do work on,” Charity prompted.

They spent time talking about his years as a veterinarian to the area. How he always made house calls, and how he knew everyone within a fifty-mile radius.

“And you’re a veterinarian too?” she asked Charity.

She knew that, but she hadn’t ever talked to Charity about it.

“Yes. I went to school in Virginia.”

“Worst years of my life,” Lachlan said.

It was clear that Charity was universally adored.

After dinner, Lachlan and Brody began to clear the table, then went to do the dishes. Albert began to nod off on one of the chairs next to the fireplace.

And she and Charity sat at the table with mugs of cider.

“Thank you for doing this,” Charity said. “If you hadn’t... We probably wouldn’t have done anything today. Dad and I just would’ve had a quiet meal at home. It’s nice to give him something like this.”

“He seems sweet,” she said.

“He is,” Charity said.

“Maybe next year...”

Charity suddenly got a sad look on her face. “I have a feeling next year will look different.”

She hadn’t realized it was that serious.

“Oh. I’m sorry I...”

She shook her head. “Dad would say being sorry is impractical. I thought... I thought there would be more time. But after... He had a bit of a scare the other night and we went to the hospital and it isn’t good news. But this... It’s a real Christmas. A warm, family-feeling Christmas.”

It was. Even though it wasn’t her ideal Christmas, it was warm. And it did feel like family.

“Your fiancé?” Elizabeth asked. But she noticed Charity didn’t have a ring.

“Oh, Byron lives in Virginia. I met him at school. It’s...not a great time of year to travel.”

“And what would Lachlan have done?”

“I don’t know,” Charity said. “He might’ve made his way over to my place. He might’ve gone out. I don’t know which side of him to expect sometimes. And I certainly can’t tell him what to do.”

“They’re just like that,” Elizabeth said, looking down at her hands.

“The McClouds?”

“Specifically, those two McClouds,” she said.

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