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He was all right with letting the water between him and his brother flow under the bridge.

Something is wrong with me.

What he didn’t want to do was keep thinking about the words that he’d said. What he didn’t want to do was keep thinking at all.

It was just too much. It was all too much.

And by the time he’d stumbled back to his bed and crashed down on top of the mattress, he was glad that he’d gone to the bar instead of going to see Elizabeth. Because oblivion was what he wanted. And it was never oblivion with her. Things were sharper, clearer. More.

And he didn’t want that.

He wanted it fuzzy. He wanted it confusing. He wanted to not remember.

And he remembered every single day that he’d ever seen Elizabeth Colfax.

Bright and sharp and clear and burned into his mind.

And that just wasn’t what he wanted. Not ever.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

Brody felt like someone was hitting his temple with a pickax. And as soft and sweet as the voice he currently heard was, it was making the headache worse.

And then there was a sharp jingling sound next to his head. “The fuck?”

“Your brother drove me to get your truck this morning,” the voice said.

He turned over and squinted against the light.


“I’ll let you get away with that, Brody McCloud. But only you.”

“Merry Christmas Eve,” he said, the inside of his mouth feeling like it was lined with fur.

“Yes. Merry Christmas Eve to you too, you absolute disaster.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, sitting up. He realized he was naked. And he pressed the sheets to his lap, not because he was embarrassed, but because it didn’t feel polite to expose her to him without being sure that she wanted to be exposed. It was morning. Hangover aside, he had a condition.

“It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, Brody,” she said.

She had her Mom Voice on. Dammit. Why was that hot?

“Yeah, I know,” he mumbled.

“Do you have chores to do today?”

“Yeah,” he said.

“Great. You have chores to do and I’ve got a couple of things to do as well.”

“What things do you have to get done?”

“That’s for me to know, Brody. Sober up. I’ll see you later.”


SHE HAD SENSED that something was going on with him by the time they had parted yesterday, and clearly it was a get-rip-roaring-drunk something.

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