Page 99 of The Boss Dilemma

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But we don’t have to do that anymore.

Because Declan came for me.

He made the choice to stop hiding from his feelings, and he came for me.

“I missed you too,” I whisper. “I missed you a lot, Declan.”

His gaze cuts to me again. “What did you miss?”

I snort, because he’s clearly digging. But I answer his question anyway, letting the honest truth out without trying to censor it.

“I missed the way you make me feel. Not just the way you can make me come as if you have a blueprint to my body. But the way you make me laugh, and the fact that you like my laugh. The way you support my ambitions and treat me like someone competent and capable. The way you let me see a side of you that you rarely show other people.”

My throat goes tight as emotions rise inside me. Saying it all out loud, admitting that I truly care for this man whom I spent so long trying not to fall for, and to hide my feelings for when the fall became inevitable, is scary. At one point, I would’ve been scared to say all this to Declan, certain it would send him running for the hills. But when I shoot a sideways glance at him, our eyes meet for a brief moment. And instead of a cool mask or a look of panic, something hot and possessive burns in his gaze.

My stomach clenches, heat racing through me as a heavy weight seems to fill the car, making the air almost too thick to breathe.

“Oh, and the orgasms,” I say, trying to lighten the mood a little. “Did I mention the orgasms?”

“I’m pretty sure you already did, but feel free to keep mentioning it. Feel free to tell anyone you want that no one has ever made you come as hard as I have,” Declan shoots back. He makes a noise in his throat as he adds, “And I plan to top all of that tonight. I won’t stop until the only name you remember is mine, and your voice is hoarse from screaming it.”

My breath hitches. All the tension that has been building in me over the past weeks of self-denial is right here in my face, ready to be released. I don’t have to press my legs together to understand just how wet I am, the rumble of the car’s engine only egging me on.

I don’t know if he can smell me or sense me or what, but Declan smirks as he rests his hand on my thigh like he already owns it, not taking his eyes off the road in front of him.

Without warning, his hand slips up my thigh. The dress doesn’t do much to stop him as he reaches for me, a sinful smile spreading across his face as he realizes how wet I am.

“You seem… impatient,” he murmurs as he begins to rub his thumb against my clit.

I gasp and squirm in my seat. “You could—ah!—say that.”

He bites his lip. His eyes stray from the road only for a moment. He tugs my panties to the side, brushing against my entrance with one fingertip.

“Play with your nipples,” he demands, and there it is again—that controlling, confident tone that makes me feel like I’m going to melt into my seat.

I don’t argue. Why would I? He has the tip of one dexterous finger curled inside me, and his careful ministrations make me whimper. I follow his instructions and tuck my hand inside my dress, beneath my bra.


My breath catches at the heat in his voice, the harshness of it.

“Pinch them,” he commands me. I do it, and at the same time, he adds a second finger, pumping them in a steady rhythm.

My voice trembles as I moan. I can feel myself spiraling toward orgasm, the waves of pleasure through my core overwhelming. I close my eyes, my head thrown back against the headrest.

And then, out of nowhere, he stops.

“Don’t come,” he says.

I glance over at him, stunned. His fingers slip out of my pussy, and his thumb returns to massaging my clit.

“You’re going to come on my cock,” he says, his voice steady. This whole time, the car hasn’t veered from its lane. His driving, just like everything else about him, is completely in control.

My gaze drops to his bulge, and my thoughts turn to static as he increases his pace on my clit. His cock is tenting his pants, fully hard.

“I’ve missed this sweet pussy,” he says, his tone dropping. “I want to feel it milk my cock.”

I bite my lip to stifle my yelp of pleasure as his fingers tease my entrance again. “Please,” I gasp, unable to stop myself.
