Page 96 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Oh, what the fuck?” I whisper, just as we lock eyes and he marches toward the table, looking furious.

“Sophie?” David’s brow furrows. “You okay?”

I am absolutely not okay. I am not okay and about to get so much worse, and yet I hate how butterflies immediately spin up through my body at the sight of a pissed off Declan walking in like he owns the place.

What is wrong with me that I find him so compelling even now, in this horrible instant?

David turns to follow my gaze just in time to get an eyeful of Declan drawing to a halt at our table.

“Are you our server?” David asks, completely innocently. “Any specials tonight that we should know about? Did we get here in time for happy hour?”

“What the fuck are you doing?” Declan demands, gray eyes only for me.

I’m being pulled in so many impossible directions. Desire. Horror. Absolute embarrassment. But I sit up straight, school my features into something manageable, and try my best to look as dispassionate as I can. I’m certain I’m fooling no one.

“I am on a date,” I say, biting off each syllable like I’m talking to someone who doesn’t speak my language. “You cannot be here.”

Declan narrows his eyes, briskly looking David up and down. “With the barista? You can’t possibly think that would make me jealous.”

“I’m actually a manager, now,” David says. “And I’m realizing that you are not the server.”

“Ah, yes, using those leadership skills.” Declan snorts, but he’s having trouble keeping eye contact with David. His gaze keeps cutting back to me. I don’t like the way his eyes feel on me. Like he sees all the way down to my soul, past every lie and mask I’ve ever tried to wrap around myself.

Like he knows me.

Like he owns me.

“Don’t be an asshole, Declan,” I snap. “I know that skill might be out of reach, but at least try. We’re in public.”

“I’m going to get security,” David says, but I stand instead, waving off his offer.

“No, I’m going to take care of this,” I assure him, seizing Declan by the wrist and yanking him away from the table. “I’ll be right back.”

Declan wrenches his hand from mine the second we walk through the door, and I whirl around, barely keeping myself from shoving him.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I nearly shout, drawing the curiosity of a few passers-by. “I’m on a freaking date, Declan.”

“Exactly,” he hisses, pissed beyond all measure. “What do you think you’re doing? You don’t get to do this.”

“Says who?” I retort. “I am a grown-ass woman. I can see whoever I want. I can go on a million dates if I feel like it. You, least of all, get to determine where I go and who I go with.”

“No, I most of all get to tell you.” Declan is in my face, way too close, and I know, on some level, that we must be making a scene out here where everyone can see us. I just don’t care.

“You don’t have that right.” I stare up at him, stubborn and angry and all-too-aware of his cologne. The visceral scent of him. The sheer lack of reason. Why is he even here?

“I am the only person who does,” he says. “You don’t get to throw yourself at some random asshole just to get back at me.”

“David’s not someone random,” I fire back. “I went out with him before you and I ever did anything.”

“Not before San Francisco.”

My face heats. “No. Not before then. But before now. And you need to respect that.”

Declan’s jaw clenches. “He’s not good enough for you.”

“He’s plenty good enough. And you felt so threatened by him that you got him transferred across the city,” I remind him. “Seems like you’re the one who needs to do some soul searching.” I pause and narrow my eyes. “How did you even know I was here with him?”

Something flashes in his eyes. “I saw you leave in a taxi.”
