Page 76 of The Boss Dilemma

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The sex was… incredible. Everything I hoped for and more.

“I’m not entirely convinced that you are,” Declan says, tucking my hair behind my ears and away from my hot, sweaty forehead.

“I’m amazing,” I say, and he chuckles, kissing me gently before extricating himself from around me.

The bed is really soft. Or really comfortable. Better than my mattress in my apartment. It cradles my body, and far away, I realize I’m hearing the shower running. A shower would be nice… eventually. Maybe later.

I turn and open my eyes and Declan is standing at the edge of the bed, pulling his shirt down and smoothing the wrinkles out. I realize that I’ve dozed off, boneless after our encounter.

“Oh, sorry,” I say, bleary and still feeling out of it. “I think I fell asleep.”

He fixes his gray eyes on me before seeming to come to a decision. He flips the comforter up and over me, halfway tucking me in.

He hesitates for half a breath before leaning down and kissing me.

“I have to go,” he says. “Stay as long as you want.”

I’m suddenly reminded of San Francisco—although, honestly, what hasn’t reminded me of San Francisco in this entire afternoon?—but in a bad way this time. Declan is leaving. Of course he’s leaving. He’s busy.

But he’s leaving me behind. And the next time I see him, I don’t know how it’s going to be. Or who he’s going to be.

Or how I’m going to be able to forget what it feels like to be taken care of by him. To be worshiped by him. To be touched like I’m the most precious thing he’s ever seen.


I nod quickly. “Okay. Thanks. Sounds good.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, his brow furrowing as he turns.

When I hear the door to the apartment shut, I let my eyes close.

Chapter 25


If there is ever a day for a lucky lavender latte, today is the day. Each step I take is a deep reminder of Sunday’s activities. I’m definitely sore—in the best way—but I’m also nervous.

It was one thing to interact with Declan knowing that my boss is the same guy I had a one-night stand with in San Francisco.

It’s another thing to come into work the next day after spending a blistering afternoon fucking my boss.

David isn’t behind the counter. I wonder if that’s for the best, especially since my date with him feels like a lifetime ago—and like something that I don’t really want to repeat.

Especially now with this little arrangement with Declan.

I order my lavender latte and pay for it, then lean across the counter as the new barista starts to make it.

“Is David out today?” I ask her.

“Oh, he’s working at a different branch now,” she says over her shoulder. “A promotion. Manager.”

“Good for him,” I say, surprised but pleased. It sounds like a good move for him. And maybe it’s a good thing for me too, not seeing him as much. We can both avoid the awkwardness of never going out on that second date.

Well, mostly me and my awkwardness. David is nice, but just not for me.

The latte tastes almost as good as usual—it’s maybe a little heavy on the lavender this time—and I’m soon greeting my coworkers at our cubicles.

“Do anything fun this weekend?” Andrea asks as we settle around the table in the conference room. The main goal this morning is to take a deep dive into the new campaign and assign tasks to everyone, making sure that everything goes exactly to plan.
