Page 47 of The Boss Dilemma

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Every person on the guest list is a stakeholder in the brand in some form or fashion. I’m not going to give up on it. There are stories here that are going to appeal to more people. I just need to find them.

“My doctor told me that I was going to be taking insulin for whatever was going to be the rest of my life,” a man with a fantastic silver mustache tells me after he’s taken a turn, laughing, to demonstrate the new equipment on display just adjacent to the dance floor. “I didn’t want that. I wanted a richer future. Dynasty got me healthy again. For the first time, really. I’ve never done something like this for myself.”

“It sounds ridiculous, but Dynasty is really what helped me take control of my health,” a woman tells me, clutching a slender champagne flute as I snap some photos of her beside the new line of equipment. “I had a gym membership, but actually going there felt like a chore. I was too busy for that—too busy to take care of myself. With this equipment, all I had to do was show up. It was there for me, at my convenience.”

I find that I’m really in my element. That I’m not nervous at all. That I’m having what might be the best time of my life. And it’s supposed to count as work.

As I circulate on the fringes of the room, I’m aware that I’m in the orbit of Declan. It’s impossible not to notice him, especially with the crowd of people always gathered near him. He’s either choosing not to drink tonight, or he just hasn’t had a chance to make it to the bar.

I wonder if I should send a waiter in his direction, but they have to know he’s the top VIP in this joint. And Declan surely knows how to take care of himself at this point.

I can’t stop watching him. It’s weird. He has to know the effect he has on the people around him. It’s the reason his suit is cut the way it is, to outline those broad shoulders. The almost imperceptible dusting of stubble across his cheeks to highlight his strong jaw. The way he can make his eyes twinkle with just the right amount of charm depending on who he’s talking to.

And he makes his eyes twinkle at all the women. So many women.

I frown. Surely there can’t be more women at this launch event than men. I would’ve pegged the gender split of the guest list at about fifty-fifty. Or maybe more men, especially if they were investors.

Right now, though, there are only women surrounding Declan. They crowd around him like they want a piece of him. And he looks like he’s eating it up, his eyes glowing even if he rarely smiles. He makes each and every one of those flirtatious, glittery guests feel like they’re special for the few moments they come into contact with him.

I’m jealous, I slowly realize, trying to distract myself by taking photos. Envious of the attention he’s paying these women. A little aghast at the way the guests are more or less throwing themselves at him.

He’s taking it all in stride and even looks like he enjoys the attention as guests fawn over him, the women laughing too loudly over the music.

I turn away from the scene playing out at the center of the room. I’m not here for that. For him. Not anymore.

Declan can see whomever he pleases. He’s made it abundantly clear that it isn’t going to be me, and you know what? That’s for the best. He’s my boss. I’m focused on my career. I don’t need the distraction that he would so obviously be.

What I do need, though, is some air. I take a few closeup shots of some of the food laid out on the tables as I head to the doors that lead out to the balcony.

This event is amazing. I still can’t believe that Carol asked me, out of everyone else on the team. But it’s a little overwhelming, all the sights and sounds.

And Declan.

I just need to refocus, remember why I’m here, and then get back in there.

Outside, it’s a beautiful night. I take several deep breaths, enjoying the shining lights of the city around me. It’s still hard to believe I’m here in New York, living my dream. Part of me hopes I never really get used to it. That I never take this for granted.

The muted music and laughter from inside gets a little louder as the door opens behind me, and I take another deep breath, inhaling through my nose. I need to get back in there, but—wow.

I know that scent. I’ve smelled it before, and I’ve smelled it tonight. And it’s close.

That scent belongs to the man I just can’t get away from. Maybe someone I don’t want to be away from.

Chapter 16


Declan sidles up next to me, setting a short glass of amber liquor on the railing of the balcony.

“Good party,” he comments, gazing out at the city instead of looking at me.

Really? Small talk? Now? After everything that’s happened between us? I snort.

He gives me a sidelong glance. “What was that for?”

I shake my head and grin. “I don’t know. Are you sure this is okay?” His brows knit together a little, so I continue, trying to make it clear. “You’re fraternizing with your employee.”

He frowns at me, even as his eyes gleam. “I’m just getting some air, same as you. And getting a drink. Have you stopped working long enough to have one?”
