Page 43 of The Boss Dilemma

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“How can I help?” I ask as warmly as possible, just to inject some friendliness into our working relationship.

“There haven't been any complaints about the work you’re doing so far,” Carol says. “So that’s nothing to worry about.”

I rub my mouth to hide a smile. Anyone else would’ve just said that I’ve been doing a good job, but that’s just Carol. “Thank you.”

“Since you’re hitting the ground running, I have a new assignment for you,” she says, finally putting her phone down and looking at me for the first time. “Do you think you can take this on?”

“Absolutely,” I say, trying to keep still at the thrill of excitement working its way up and through my nerve endings. “Whatever it is, I’ll do my absolute best.”

It’s a party—a big party—to celebrate the new line of equipment. And it’s an opportunity to network while really being on the ground of getting our messaging and branding out to clients and their contacts.

“You’ll be in the moment, managing social media in real time at the event,” Carol says, before narrowing her eyes critically at my blouse and skirt. “It’s black tie. Do you have anything to wear? You’re working, but you need to represent Dynasty too, in an outward facing role.”

“Of course,” I say smoothly, but I mentally squeeze a shopping trip into my busy schedule. I doubt anything hanging in my tiny closet at home is going to cut it for this event, but I’m not about to miss out on this chance just because of a little wardrobe issue.

“Perfect,” Carol says flatly. “It’s settled, then. I’m going to email—there. Sent. You have the agenda and a few more details about the event. Take a look at everything before you ask any questions.”

“Thank you,” I say as I grin and rise from the chair. I’m clearly dismissed, and I give her a nod before I leave her office.

My excitement is obvious to my teammates, even as I try to play it cool by sipping my latte.

“Um, that’s an odd reaction to coming out of Carol’s office,” Andrea teases, noting my giddiness. “Are you going to share with the rest of the group?”

“I’m going to work the launch party,” I say, grinning like a fool and not even caring. I’m so pumped. This is exactly what I want. A chance to really shine.

“Congratulations!” Andrea says, and Mark pumps his fist for my announcement.

“Seriously?” Hannah is back from her workout, somehow even more stunning red in the face and glistening with sweat. She stares at me, distractedly patting her chest with her towel. “That’s a pretty big responsibility for someone so new.”

Could she actually be… jealous of me? Maybe this is just a Hannah way of saying “good job,” so I try to take it in stride.

“It is a big responsibility, but I think I can handle it. I’m really excited to prove myself,” I say.

“To who?” Hannah mutters as she walks away, but I hear her all the same.

To myself, I could say. To my parents, if they could only see what I’m doing with my life, and with the career I always wanted.

To Declan, to show him that I’m much more than a blistering hot night in San Francisco. That I’m really the whole package. That I’m really going to make my mark on this company.

My stomach flip flops. Declan. He’s definitely going to be there at the launch party. It’s not something he could miss, it’s way too important for that.

The stakes are suddenly much, much higher.

Chapter 14


“We need a music montage,” Reagan says as I pop out of the dressing room with yet another outfit. “Probably something from the eighties, if we’re going by those sequins.”

“Excuse me, sequins are having a big moment right now,” I insist indignantly.

“Are shoulder pads?”

“On some women.” I pose with as much dignity as I can in the set of mirrors, wincing at the angles they reveal, before breaking down into laughter. “Oh, god. I really look like a sparkly linebacker, don’t I?”

Reagan guffaws before she can stop herself. “You said it. I did not say it. I would never say something like that. You are a … shining beacon. Of strength.”

That sends us both into peals of giggles, prompting the saleswoman to check on us.
