Page 26 of The Boss Dilemma

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Gray eyes shot with just a hint of blue lock with mine. I’m helpless to look away, trapped in what feels like some sort of stasis as time seems to stop.

Declan. That’s the name I wanted so badly to scream a year ago in San Francisco. To this day, the sexiest night of my entire life.

Declan, not Dominic.

It was Declan, not Dominic, who made me come like I’ve never come before. Who gave me more orgasms than I thought was humanly possible.

The name fits him, honestly. It fits his tailored suit and perfectly knotted tie. Suits this company, the one he apparently founded himself. It fits his chiseled jaw, and the muscles I know are hiding just beneath the buttons of his shirt.

I know I’m supposed to say something. That the seconds of stunned silence are spiraling outward. But my tongue is thick in my mouth, thick with the memory of… of his tongue. Also in my mouth. Teasing out sounds I’m still embarrassed to have made.

“Sophie, is it?” Declan says, extending his hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”

There’s something cool glinting in his steely eyes, and I have no idea what he’s thinking. He remembers me, I’m certain of that, but beyond that fact, I can’t tell what his reaction is to seeing me.

Holy shit. It’s him.

Internally, I’m freaking out, but I work to keep my outward expression as blank and calm as his. It’s clear he doesn’t want to acknowledge what happened between us right now, and I know why. This isn’t the time, and it certainly isn’t the place.

Holy fucking shit.

The universe must be messing with me. How is it possible that the boss at my dream job is also the one-night stand of my dreams?

He’s holding out his hand to shake mine, and I put my own hand out and take it, testing the strength of his grip. My stomach clenches, and I surprise myself by not going limp at the electric connection of our skin-to-skin contact. The last time he shook my hand, the next thing he did was slide his hand up my skirt and make me come in a crowded bar.

“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Wright,” I manage to say, feeling my cheeks burn with heat at the unintentional innuendo. “Thank you for… everything. Er, this opportunity, I mean.”

Gigi’s slight smile is back, and she doesn’t seem to be picking up anything amiss in our interaction. Declan is a handsome man. Breathtaking, honestly. I’m sure she’s seen other newbies have this exact reaction: starstruck and tongue-tied.

I’m pretty sure, however, that none of them had actually slept with their boss at that point. I’m sending up prayers that she doesn’t realize what this really is: two strangers who fucked like rabbits meeting for a second time in extremely different circumstances.

Declan squeezes my hand in what feels like a warning. He takes one careful, deep breath in, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling. It’s like a predator scenting the air for prey, and it makes goosebumps prickle over my skin.

“I’m on my way to another meeting,” he says, finally releasing his grip on me. “Gigi, I’ll be in contact.”

“Of course, Mr. Wright,” she tells him. “I’m finishing up here.”

Without another glance, Declan strides away. The palm of my hand still burns like it’s locked in his, and I wonder how he can just walk away again. Walk away from what we had. What we could have again, now that we’re apparently in the same city.

Oh god, I am so confused. I feel like I’m reeling, as if the entire building is tilting beneath my feet.

I want this job. And I want Declan.

I doubt I can have both.

“I wasn’t overstating when I tell you that you’re the top candidate,” Gigi says, ushering me to the elevator bank. “I’m going to be in contact soon with an official offer, so watch your email. Do you text? Of course you text, you’re young. Thank you again for coming in. We’ll talk soon.”

She leaves me there, and I’m still so flustered that it’s nearly five minutes before I realize that I haven’t punched the button for the elevator.

Declan Wright is my one-night stand.

He’s also going to be my boss.

I don’t know if I’m the luckiest woman in the world or the unluckiest.

I don’t know what any of this means.

I step into the elevator as the doors open, surprised I can still walk at all. But just as the doors are nearly closed—and just as I begin to sag against the wall as the full shock of this morning hits me—a hand slips between them and sends them lurching open again.
