Page 177 of The Boss Dilemma

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It’s been almost a year since he came to my apartment and offered me everything he had in the world. Since we got back together, I’ve rejoined the team at Dynasty—not as the controlling shareholder, which I left up to Declan, and not in my old position in the marketing department. I’ve joined the company as his partner.

We’ve become partners in every aspect of our lives… and now he’s asking me to make it official.

I realize I’m still gaping at him with my mouth open, and I snap it shut and nod emphatically, my heart surging with joy. “Of course! Of course, of course, of course!”

He laughs as the force of my hug rolls him onto his back. He holds me, pressing his lips against my forehead, then leans over to pull a ring box out of the drawer beside the bed. He slips the ring on my finger, the diamonds on it glinting in the low light.

“We’d better do it soon,” he growls possessively, tilting my head up to kiss me on the lips. “Because I can’t take it for much longer, not being married to you.”

There’s heat and a dominant edge to his voice, and I squirm as his arms tighten around me. I feel the same way.

My boss ran away with my heart. And eventually, he brought it back—and gave me his own.

Epilogue Two


“And of course, they lived happily, ever after.”

I snap Archie’s favorite storybook shut. He’s heard this one before, of course, about a million times, but the classics are classics for a reason, I guess. This one, which is about a frog and his turtle friend, never fails to wind the little guy down before bed.

Archie blinks at me sleepily as I pull the covers up to his shoulders. “Can I ask a question? Before you turn off the lights?”

“Sure thing, bud. What’s up?” I sit at the edge of the bed, ruffling Archie’s hair.

“Are Sophie and Uncle Declan gonna get married?”

I smile and huff a quiet laugh. Archie met Sophie for the first time a couple of days ago. They seemed to hit it off great, and now he keeps asking about her.

“Yeah, they sure are,” I tell him. “Pretty soon.”

“Are they gonna have babies?”

That one I can’t answer with as much certainty, but my gut says yes. I’ve known Declan for ages, and I’ve never seen him like this about anything. Sophie is a sure thing. He’s head over heels for her, in a way I could never have expected.

“Probably,” I admit. “Why? You gonna look out for Uncle Dec’s kid?”

Archie is quiet, his brow furrowed like he’s thinking hard about something. Then, as he so often does, the kid throws me a curveball. “Are you ever gonna get married? And have babies?”

My heart clenches a little at that. Archie isn’t my child by blood, and he knows that, but I always do my best to make sure that he knows he’s loved just like a son. I don’t want him to think that he would be any less loved if I had a kid of my own.

And as for that… I don’t see it happening anytime soon, that’s for sure. Neither that, nor the marriage thing.

I decide to sidestep Archie’s question. He’s five, and half asleep, so it’s not hard to distract him. I go in for a hug. “Hey, I’ve got you. I don’t need anyone else.”

“I love you,” Archie mumbles against my shoulder.

“I love you too, bud.” I lower him back onto his pillows and tuck him back in. He’s asleep by the time I let go of the blanket.

I brush his hair back and lean down to kiss his forehead. My chest aches a little. I do everything I can to do right by Archie—so why does it always feel like I’m not doing enough? Like I’m letting him down?

I feel like Archie needs more than me. More than I can give him. Someone maternal.

His voice echoes in my head. Are you ever gonna get married?

I can’t help the tiny tug in my heart, the slightest bit of longing. As I stand up to turn off the lamp on Archie’s bedside table, I brush it away.

Women complicate things. I’m dedicated to taking care of Archie; I’ll do everything I can for him, everything I need to do. And for that reason, it’s one-night stands only for me. Short, uncomplicated trysts, with zero longterm expectations. It’s better that way. Easier.
