Page 160 of The Boss Dilemma

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I haven’t said a word to Declan during the entire two weeks since I gave my resignation notice. But I feel like I should probably say something to him.

He can pretend all he wants that there was nothing between us, that our relationship didn’t matter. But for better or worse, he was part of my life. A big part. And I owe it to myself to say something to him.

Instead of taking the elevator to the ground floor, I ride it up to the top. I’ll drop into his office, and—well, I have no idea what I’ll say to him. I’ll come up with something in the moment. I’ll keep it short and sweet.

As I approach his secretary’s desk, Beth looks up at me, straightening.

“Can I help you?”

“Hi,” I say, suddenly feeling foolish with the box of my belongings tucked under one arm. “I was hoping I could have a quick word with Declan. Is he in?”

She frowns. “Sorry, but he’s busy at the moment. Hannah is in there right now—you know, from social. Can I take a message? Or would you like to get something scheduled?”

My stomach clenches, and there’s a cold feeling in my chest. Part of me wonders, in a detached sort of way, if Hannah really will replace me entirely. She has my job. Maybe she’s in there right now, trying to work her charms on Declan.

Maybe he really will move on from me with Hannah. After all, she’ll be more than willing to just give him sex and not ask for anything more. He can stay closed off and guarded for the rest of his life, and that will suit her just fine.

I feel sick at the thought.

“Never mind,” I say dully. “It’s not important.”

Before Beth can answer, I turn and leave. Quickly, before I lose control over my emotions and my ex-coworkers can see me cry.

Chapter 52


I all but stumble into my first meeting on a Thursday morning, almost three weeks after my father began his takeover attempt. I feel like a zombie. I’ve been running myself ragged, awake far longer than should be possible, every waking second devoted to either my grandmother or this takeover.

“Please tell me we’ve got some good news this morning,” I groan, sinking into my seat at the head of the conference table.

My legal team looks around at each other. They have a strange energy this morning, as if there’s something they can’t wait to tell me.

“Well?” I demand.

“The best news,” my general counsel says, clearing his throat. He beams at me, relief evident in his expression. “It looks like Johnathan has given up the takeover bid. We were able to repel it. Dynasty is secure.”

I breathe out slowly as his words take root in my brain.

“There will still be some fallout from this attempt, of course,” he adds. “But it’s over.”

I nod. Something inside me that has been wound painfully tight seems to release, and my legs feel numb with the sudden rush of success. I did it. I stopped my father, and I protected what’s mine.

But… it’s not as much relief as I expected. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve envisioned this moment over and over again, and it never played out like this.

The congratulations of the people around the table wash over me, and I nod again in acceptance, but to be honest, I barely hear their words. Some part of me still feels unsatisfied. Empty.

I force myself out of my dazed reverie, trying to drum up the energy to celebrate.

Maybe I’ll feel better after I’ve actually gotten a full night’s rest. I must just be tired, and taken aback by the news. Once it finally sinks in, and things start to go back to normal, I’ll feel the relief I’ve been waiting for.

* * *

Now that the takeover attempt is over, and with no other crises looming on the horizon, I actually manage to leave the office at a reasonable hour. In fact, I depart half an hour early, brushing past Beth at four thirty.

“Congratulations, Mr. Wright,” she says, beaming.

“Thank you,” I tell her. “Take off whenever you feel like it, okay?”
