Page 144 of The Boss Dilemma

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Declan’s hands tighten into fists as he listens to Johnathan speak. Instead of replying to whatever his father said, he shakes his head in disgust. He hangs up the call and throws the phone onto one of the empty seats.

His entire body is shaking, taut. His face is hard. I’ve never seen him so upset, not even after Nora’s party. Whatever his father said to him over the phone, it must have been far worse than that previous confrontation.

I can’t help but feel glad that Johnathan isn’t here right now, because I’m convinced that argument would’ve turned physical almost immediately. And I wouldn’t want to be picking fights with Declan right now. I’ve seen the shape he’s in, and I can’t imagine he’d throw a weak punch.

Hesitantly, I get to my feet and walk to him in the center of the cabin. As I draw close, he pulls me into his arms.

He clings to me, breathing hard, for a few seconds. Then he looks down, meets my gaze, and draws me in for a kiss.

And suddenly, all the tension breaks, like the sudden snap of lightning.

He kisses me again, driving me back against one of the walls. I’m breathless, swept up in him, just trying not to drown.

He’s a typhoon, raging against the breakwater with all the force of the ocean. He pins me to the wall, his hands moving up my body, his fingers digging into my skin.

He strips the dress from my body, and sheds his own clothes swiftly, before I can so much as blink. He moves us through the cabin, and we burst through the door in the rear of the plane, which gives way to a bedroom.

He tosses me onto the bed, and my breath hitches as he climbs on top of me.

His hands are rough, every touch hard, dominant. I can see the rage still burning in him, and I can feel it in his fingers as they grip my shoulders. It’s almost terrifying, but it’s also intoxicating.

If he seemed like a god to me before, I really hadn’t seen anything yet. He’s practically omnipotent. The strength in his arms, the force of his will—he has the power to make me feel anything. He has the power to draw any sound out of me. He has lightning in his hands. That must be why my entire body feels electrified as he grinds against me, sucking at my neck.

He works his way down to my thighs, leaving bruises with his fingers and his mouth. I writhe in pleasure, but his hands are firm on my body, holding me in place.

“Fuck me, Declan,” I gasp. “Please.”

When he finally does what I’m begging for, he drives himself into me without preamble. Clearly, he’s not in any kind of mood to take things slowly.

But there’s so much catharsis to the suddenness. This storm of anger has been brewing for hours, and I’m grateful that it finally has the chance to unfold.

Declan thrusts into me like hurricane-force winds, and I grip the bedsheets, trying to anchor myself, to keep breathing amidst the howling sounds I’m making.

The orgasm that’s building up inside me is every bit as intense as the storm. The plane hits a patch of turbulence, and Declan grits his teeth, and I feel like I’m on the crest of a wave that refuses to break. I rise up, and plummet down, and then rise again.

Finally, both of us reach the peak together. He lets out a ragged shout as he comes, and I moan, my back arching off the bed. My orgasm seems to last an eternity. I feel almost like I’m going to black out from how hard I’m coming.

When I regain my wits, I’m curled in Declan’s arms, boneless and sated and worn out. I roll toward him, reaching up to brush my fingers along his jawbone.

The storm in his eyes has abated, but his face is still overcast. He looks disappointed—pissed off, even. Not at me. At himself.

“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice low. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Hey—it’s okay,” I assure him. I force a little laugh, which doesn’t do anything to cut through his grimace. “I needed that as much as you did. I’m fine. In fact, I’m great. I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard in my life.”

Now that the post-orgasm haze is wearing off, though, I can feel the soreness taking hold in my body. It was definitely rough, and probably rougher than he meant it to be.

“I’m sorry,” he repeats, his gaze traveling to the bruises blooming on my thighs.

“Declan, I swear, it’s okay.” I nuzzle into his chest.

He pulls me close. I can feel his breath against my neck.

“I don’t deserve you,” he whispers.

I cling to him, hoping that I can convince him through just my touch that he does.

Chapter 46
