Page 14 of The Boss Dilemma

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Without lifting his head from the crook of my neck, he backs me up until my back hits the wall. The lights from the city in the floor-to-ceiling windows give me a clue about how expansive the penthouse suite is—and how expensive it must be—but my surroundings fade to black as my eyelids flutter closed.

There’s nothing else I can focus on except for this mouth, which hasn’t halted in its downward trajectory, sucking on my breasts through the fabric of my dress, pressing a kiss to the space between them, then peppering a long line of kisses down my stomach.

He’s on his knees in front of me before I understand what’s happening.

“I fucking loved feeling you come on my fingers,” he growls, nuzzling my knees apart before dragging my panties down from beneath my dress. “But now I want you to come on my face. That taste I got of you back at the bar was just a tease. It wasn’t nearly enough.”

I hardly get my panties down my legs and kicked away before he’s gripping my thighs, working my already short dress up and over my ass to bunch around my waist.

I’m not sure this is the most flattering look for me, only half wearing the skimpy dress and a pair of heels. But Dominic seems to like it just fine. His eyes flash, a noise of approval rumbling in his throat. His hands grip my hips, holding me steady, and then he dives in.

“Oh fuck!”

A delicious moan escapes my mouth before I can clap my hand over it, and I wobble on my high heels as my legs shake. Still kneeling before me, Dominic parts my folds with his tongue, tasting me. Savoring. Humming low in his throat as if he likes the flavor.

I whimper against my palm, and he abruptly reaches up and yanks my elbow down, dragging my hand away from my mouth.

“There’s no reason to be quiet anymore,” he growls, his gray eyes impossibly dark. “I want to hear you.”

I won’t be able to keep quiet even if I wanted to. That much, I already know.

Dominic might be on his knees in front of me, but I’m completely under his control. His strong hands around my thighs keep me upright until he slings one of my legs over his shoulder. Then I really have to put my trust in him. Because I can’t rely on myself anymore.

Not with the way he’s working his mouth against me, rough and insistent. Like he’s starving, and I’m the only thing that will satisfy him. He circles my clit with firm strokes of his tongue, and I whimper.

“That’s right,” he mutters. “Get loud for me. Let me hear what I’m doing to you. You sound so fucking filthy and sweet. Almost as sweet as the way you taste.”

I’m still on fire from what he did to me back at the bar. How I came in public without anyone except the two of us knowing it. And I can feel those sparks of arousal lighting up again, burning hotter and hotter.

I’ve never experienced anything close to this before in my entire life.

And I’m reveling in it, being the center of his attention, drinking in his precise and powerful movements, heat spreading low and deep in my belly. I drag my fingers through his surprisingly soft, thick hair, urging him on even though he doesn’t need any encouragement.

This is a motivated man. A man with a singular purpose in mind: my undoing.

It hardly registers that I’m moaning with each breath, drowning on air and pleasure. That I’m tugging on his hair so hard it has to be painful, but he doesn’t seem to care, burying his face deeper between my legs in response. That he’s just as good with his tongue as he is with his fingers.

That I’m right on the edge… until I fall over it.

My orgasm rolls through me like a tidal wave, and my limbs liquify. If Dominic didn’t have me pinned to this wall, I’d be on my ass on the floor.

“Good girl,” he groans. “Let me see you fall apart. Keep coming for me.”

In a single smooth movement, he’s on his feet again, standing, leaning in, watching me as the last few aftershocks of the orgasm quake through my body. Triumph and hunger glint in his dark eyes, which look almost black in the low light. He knows what he’s done to me. I’m in pieces.

Our faces are so close that I can smell my own climax on his lips. Then I’m tasting it, our mouths clashing against each other, his lips wet with… me.

After kissing me breathless, he backs away, letting me savor the taste of my own arousal. I dart my tongue out to run over my lips as if trying to get more of it, and he laughs, darkly pleased.

“There’s more where that came from,” he says, and it’s a promise so heady that I’m turned on all over again. “We’re just getting started.”

I’ve had plenty of sex before tonight, but nothing this absolutely scorching. Dominic—or whatever his name is—is utterly in control. He knows exactly what he wants, and exactly what I want. And, for the first time in a long time, I know exactly what I want too.

This. I want this.

Everything he’s doing, the way he’s talking to me and touching me. I just want more.

To be swept up like this is intoxicating. He’s making all the decisions, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life to choose to let go of my inhibitions and trust a total stranger with my absolute pleasure.
