Page 139 of The Boss Dilemma

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That she deserves so much more than people have given her all of her life.

We head downstairs to the car, which takes us downtown, to a series of boutique shops. I accompany her inside. Everything she touches, I encourage her to try it on. If she so much as lets her hand run across the chiffon fabric of an evening dress, I nod to the sales attendant, who adds it to the pile of trial items.

I add a few things to that pile myself. Things that she didn’t notice, but that I absolutely have to see her wear.

The attendant takes us back to a private dressing room, and I watch as Sophie puts on a show for me, a parade of new outfits, each of which is absolutely breathtaking on her.

Everything is designer, but I don’t bother looking at the price tags. If she looks happy in an outfit, I buy it for her. If she looks breathtaking in an outfit, I buy it for her. Everything that fits her, she gets it.

It’s her fucking birthday, and she wasn’t even planning on celebrating. I’m going all out for this.

We don’t stay in one place either, which seems to blow Sophie’s mind all over again. As soon as I’ve charged our haul from this store to my card, and it’s all loaded in the trunk, I have the driver take us to the next boutique.

“Declan, this is too much,” she breathes, looking around in awe as I lead her inside the luxurious shop.

“No, it isn’t,” I say simply.

“You’ve already bought me plenty. And the trip here and everything? I can’t let you spend more money on me.”

“Why not?” I smirk, pulling her into a secluded corner of the boutique. “I have money. And I like spending it on you.”

I haul her in close, wrapping one arm around her while my other hand catches her hand and brings it down between us. My cock is half hard, and I press her palm against it through the fabric of my pants, letting her feel my stiffening length. She sucks in a small breath, her eyes darkening as she squeezes me.

“This is what buying things for you does to me,” I tell her, dropping my head to murmur in her ear. “And the more things I buy for you, the harder I get.”

“Fuck,” she whispers, her voice hungry and plaintive. “Declan…”

I nip her earlobe and then release her, smiling at the flush that’s appeared high on her cheeks. Reaching into my wallet, I pull out my black Amex and hand it to her. “We’re not done until you spend at least five hundred thousand. We’ll go to as many shops as it takes, so knock yourself out.”

Her eyes widen, her hand shaking a little as she reaches up to accept the card, but she still manages to smirk at me as she plucks it from my fingers. “I hope you know what you’ve just unleashed.”

A chuckle rises up in my chest. “There’s my spitfire. Now get to it.”

Despite her teasing words, I can tell she’s still a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of spending that much. But I keep encouraging her as we shop, reminding her that I’ve never had anyone I wanted to spoil before, and that I can easily afford it. After a while, she starts to relax, grinning and bantering with me as she debates about various purchases.

As we’re leaving the last shop, I make one more purchase for her.

I see her eyeing a rack of stunning, floor-length evening gowns—black-tie formal, sheer black organza draped in elegant, swooping sashes across the chest and around the waist. Classy enough to be worn to almost any function, but sexy enough that I’m getting turned on just thinking about Sophie wearing it. With a decisive nod, I signal the saleswoman to add it to the total and have her pack it up with everything else.

Back in the car, Sophie is quiet as we roll through the streets of Paris, back toward the hotel. She doesn’t seem upset, merely dazed, like she’s been out in the sun for too long.

“Are you okay?” I ask her softly.

She blinks at me, a dreamy expression on her face. “Of course.” She sighs. “Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me before. I… I never could’ve imagined this.”

“You had a good time, didn’t you?”

“Yes! Oh my god, yes.” She shakes her head with a small laugh. “I had an amazing time. The biggest budget I’ve ever had for a shopping spree before today was five hundred dollars, so this pretty much blew that out of the water. I just don’t want to impose on you or…”

“Spitfire, you couldn’t impose on me if you tried. I’m serious. If you asked for the moon, I’d find a way to pull it down out of the sky.” I gaze at her, serious. “You don’t have to worry about the money, or the imposition, because that’s never what it is. You’re worth it. Always. Understand?”

“Yeah.” She nods, biting her lip.

“Good.” I kiss her firmly, and she rests her head on my shoulder when we break apart, beaming from ear to ear.

When we get back to the hotel room, we each change into nice clothes. I wear an understated but perfectly-tailored suit, collar unbuttoned. When going out in the evening, I prefer not to wear a tie if I can help it. I find it somewhat restricting, an artifact of the workplace. I’ll only add it to the ensemble if the event calls for it.

Sophie, meanwhile, wears the new dress I picked out for her, the last purchase at that shop before we left. And she looks fucking stunning in it. When I turn around from the floor-length mirror to see her experimental half-twirl, the gauzy fabric swaying around her legs, it’s all I can do not to grab her and rip it right back off.
