Page 130 of The Boss Dilemma

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She really is such a sweet old lady.

“Welcome,” she says. “I’m glad you made it all right. I was a little worried you wouldn’t be able to find the place—you’re new to the city, aren’t you?”

I laugh, tucking the strap of my purse around the back of the chair and sitting down.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m getting used to it. It’s not hard to get around when everything’s laid out in a big grid!”

“I suppose that’s true,” she agrees. “Finding your way around is the easy part. Matching the speed, on the other hand….”

“That’s taken a little more getting used to.”

We both chuckle, and she says, “You seem to be fitting in here just fine. It’s a breath of fresh air in this city, to speak with someone so polite.”

I blush. “Thank you, Nora. That’s very sweet.”

The waiter comes by with two ice-cold waters and lemon wedges, and Nora takes the opportunity to transition our conversation away from small talk.

“I wanted to apologize again for what happened at my birthday celebration,” she says, her lips pursed. She shakes her head and lets out a low sigh. “Thank you so much for being there, dear. I had no idea it would get so messy.”

“It’s fine,” I say. “Really. Big family gatherings get messy all the time. I was just glad I could be there and be re-introduced to you.”

“I didn’t know that Johnathan would show up,” Nora goes on. “He certainly wasn’t invited, per se, but I didn’t make it a point to disinvite him. I suppose I ought to have slammed the door in his face. It would’ve made things easier for Declan.”

Yeah, that makes sense. Johnathan seems like the type to show up exactly where he’s not wanted.

“It’s not your fault,” I point out. “It’s Johnathan’s. He showed up to cause some trouble, and that has nothing to do with you.”

She smiles at me gratefully. “That’s kind of you to say.”

“I mean it.”

“Well, at the next gathering, we’ll choose a venue that Johnathan can’t guess in advance,” she says.

“My birthday’s coming up,” I say, half-jokingly. “I’ll make sure to host my party somewhere obscure.”

The waiter returns and takes down our orders. Nora recommends the bistro’s croque monsieur, and since I have no idea what to order, I go along with her suggestion. She also orders a pot of mint tea for the two of us to share.

The service here is quick, and in no time at all, we’re both digging into perfectly toasted ham sandwiches drizzled in thick Gruyere. The croque monsieur is delicious, and the mint tea is refreshing. Nora really knows how to do lunch.

“So,” she says as we eat, “how have things been going with Declan?”

“Oh, everything’s been great!” I say. “Your grandson is….” A sex god? The hottest man alive? “Very thoughtful.”

“Yes,” Nora agrees, nodding, between bites of her sandwich. “He certainly is, isn’t he? Even when he was a boy, he was always so thorough. Doesn’t leave anything up to chance. No stones unturned.” She chuckles lightly. “I imagine that makes for an interesting relationship.”

“Honestly, it’s wonderful,” I say. “He pays so much attention.”

As I talk about Declan, I can’t help the goofy grin that spreads across my face. I probably look like a love-struck fool. But Nora seems pleased by how happy I am. Her eyes sparkle as she looks at me.

“I’m so glad that the two of you are happy together.”

“Me too.”

“My grandson has been through a lot,” she tells me. “And I know that he can be a handful. But I think you’re a good influence on him, Sophie.”

“Thank you,” I murmur, a warm feeling in my chest. For the millionth time, I thank my lucky stars that Nora seems to like me.

“How have you been adjusting to the lifestyle?” Nora asks, reaching across the table to top up both of our teacups. She picks up a wedge of lemon and squeezes it above her cup. “It can’t be a simple change.”
