Page 128 of The Boss Dilemma

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Of course I missed her. I’m fucking addicted to her.

“It’s been too long,” I murmur into her ear, and she shivers.

“Did something happen? Why the rush?”

I shrug, giving her a smirk. “I wanted to see you. And we both know I get what I want.”

She looks up at me through half-lidded eyes, and I grit my teeth as my cock starts to grow hard. Just the smell of her—just a few seconds of touching her—is enough to get me going. Fucking unbelievable.

“You know,” she teases, “I have to go back to my place at some point.”

No, you don’t, I almost say, before I catch myself. I want to tell her that she can stay here permanently. That she never has to go “back” anywhere. But I keep my mouth shut around the words.

Instead of replying, I return to kissing her neck—far more effective than words. I let my teeth graze her collarbone as I slowly work my way down her body, drinking in her sighs and murmurs of pleasure.

My hands slide beneath her top to grope her breasts. I nip at the lower hem of the shirt, pressing soft kisses to her belly. She wriggles in delight, and my cock pulses against the confines of my pants.

But I don’t reach for my belt. Right now, this is about her. All I want to do is be wrapped in her warmth, surrounded by her scent.

I undo the button on her jeans, sliding them to the floor. She’s wearing perfect panties, all black with a lace fringe. I pull at that fringe with my teeth, exposing her hips, and suck at the skin hard enough to leave a red mark.

I run my fingers gently along her pussy. The fabric of her panties is soaked, and I hum low in my throat. “Seems like you’re excited to be here.”

“You have no idea,” she whispers.

A chuckle rumbles in my chest. “Oh, I have some idea.”

With that, I slip my thumbs into the waistband of her panties, dropping them to the floor. Her breathing hitches, and the sound goes straight to my cock.

“Kick off your pants. Spread your legs for me, Spitfire,” I order. “Give me room. I want to suffocate myself in your sweet wetness. Want to fucking drown in you.”

She follows my command, using her feet to toe her pants all the way off before widening her stance, giving me the perfect view of her glistening pink center.

“You’re wet for me,” I rasp.

She chuckles, her hands falling to my hair. “You’re on your knees for me, staring at my pussy like it’s your last meal. Of course I’m wet.”

“Good girl.” I slap her clit lightly—just enough to send a shock of sensation through her—and she gasps. “But let’s see about getting you wetter.”

Before she can catch her breath to say something else, I grip her thighs and plunge my tongue straight into her. There’s no need for any more buildup. She’s already soaked, and I’m too impatient. I fuck her with my tongue, spearing into her and tasting her addictively sweet arousal before dragging the flat of my tongue over her clit in a rolling motion.

“Shit!” Sophie’s head tips back. “Oh, god!”

“Not god, Spitfire,” I growl, nipping at her clit. “When I’m on my knees for you, the only one I want you praying to is me. Say it.”

“Declan.” My name is a ragged groan. “Oh fuck, Declan…”

“That’s more like it.”

I attack her clit again, using my fingers to fuck her pussy as I do. She braces herself against the door, moaning as I breathe in the scent of her. I wish I could bottle that smell for all the times when she’s not here and I don’t get to experience it firsthand.

“Declan.” She repeats my name as if she knows exactly what it does to me, her fingers sliding through my hair and tugging on the strands. “Oh fuck, that feels so good. You’re gonna make me… keep going… keep…”

It doesn’t take long to make her come. In no time at all, her moans reach their highest pitch, then give way to a loud cry of release. I glance up at her as she comes, wanting to catalogue every expression on her face. Her head is thrown back against the door, her eyelids pressed shut in pleasure.

When the pulsing of her clit slows beneath my tongue, I straighten, wrapping my arms around her waist. She leans heavily against the door, and I’m fairly certain that if I wasn’t holding her, she’d slide down to the floor.

“Hello,” I murmur.
