Page 12 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Say it, Sara.”

His body is angled in a way that it blocks me from view of anyone who might look over. If anybody glances our way, they would just see two people engaged in an intimate conversation. They would have no idea about the pointed trajectory of his hand beneath my coat. The trembling of my legs.

Or the thing he wants me to confess.

“Tell me you need me to fuck you, Sara,” Dominic says almost patiently. But his jaw is tight and his eyes gleam with desire. I lower my gaze, my face hot, and see the bulge of evidence barely concealed behind his tailored pants.

Oh god. He’s hard. And he looks huge.

He’s clearly just as turned on as I am.

“Fuck me, Dominic,” I whisper. “I need you to fuck me.”

“Good girl,” he says, and I tilt my chin up at the praise. It surprises me how much I’m affected by it. “That’s all you had to say.”

His fingers find their way between my thighs, stroking the fabric of my panties.

“So wet,” he murmurs, and I have to bite my lip to keep from making a sound. “This is all for me, isn’t it?”

I can only nod as he hooks a finger in the fabric to pull it aside. There’s nothing between us anymore, and he slides a finger between my slick folds, making me whimper quietly.

The sex club might not have been my scene, but this definitely is.

It doesn’t matter that we’re in public.

It doesn’t matter that if anyone is watching closely enough, they could figure out exactly what we are doing.

I don’t care who sees.

All I care about is that he’s found my clit, and he’s taking complete advantage of it.

I’ve never felt like this before.

And it’s amazing.

Dominic has looped his free arm around my shoulders, drawing me closer and protecting me from prying eyes all at once.

“This is why you’re here,” he murmurs against my ear, dotting a small kiss against the sensitive skin just below my earlobe. “This is what you need, isn’t it, Spitfire? Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of you.”

The promise in his voice makes me shiver. There’s so much confidence there, so much certainty. As if he’s been waiting all night for this—or maybe even longer, since the first moment we met.

The lines are blurring, just like my vision blurs as he teases me, dipping his finger inside my entrance before dragging it out to work my clit again. I’m not sure if we’re still playing in the roles we picked out for each other, or if he’s speaking to Sophie right now and not Sara.

Because he’s right. This is what I need.

And I want him to take care of me.

“All you need to do is listen to me,” he assures me, caressing my shoulder while picking up the pace between my thighs. I swallow hard and have to bite back a moan at the same time. “Are you going to listen?”

“Yes,” I manage, nodding just in case it comes out garbled. I can’t trust my own tongue at this point.

“You’re going to have to be quiet when you come,” he murmurs. “You can be as loud as you want at the sex club, but we aren’t there, are we?”

Oh, god. It’s real. Everything we’re doing is real and it’s so damn hot.

“Because if we were at a sex club, I would have you screaming already,” he promises me, and I believe him. “Everybody would be watching you, wishing they could be me.” He chuckles darkly. “Or you. But you’re only here for me. For this.”

I press my lips together, breathing rapidly through my nose. My eyelids flutter shut. I’m afraid I’ll give myself away if they stay open.
