Page 118 of The Boss Dilemma

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“—and we filled out all of the HR paperwork,” Declan is saying. “It’s all official. So official, it’s on documents.”

Reed chuckles. “See, this is why I’d never get involved with an employee.”

“It was simple,” Declan says with a shrug. “A couple forms, that’s all. Besides, we’re good at keeping it professional in the workplace. If anything, it’s made things easier. I’m much less distracted. Wouldn’t you say, Spitfire?”

I nod, finishing the last sip of my whiskey. “Definitely. Trying to keep everything a secret—that was harder.”

“Well,” Reed says, “good for you guys.” He taps thoughtfully at his chin, then adds, “You know, you never actually told me how you met each other.”

I do my best not to flush, remembering the night at the sex club, that tryst between Dominic and Sarah. I glance at Declan.

“If you want to take this one,” he says, rising to his feet, “I’ll go get you another drink.”

“Okay,” I agree cheerfully, handing him my empty glass.

“So,” Reed says as Declan walks off. “The meet cute. Tell me everything.”

“Well, actually, he kind of… hit me with his car.”

Reed’s jaw drops open comically. “You’re kidding. He what?”

“Well, not him. His driver. And I wasn’t hurt, or anything, just kind of rattled. Then later that night—”

Lena lowers her phone, turning to Reed with a scowl twisting her face. “Reed,” she whines, cutting me off, “this is tiresome. How much longer do we have to be here?”

Reed’s brow furrows. I can see the frustration building in his eyes, but he’s doing a remarkable job of holding himself in check. All of these men seem to be like that—controlled, deliberate.

“Lena,” he says, “we’ve only been here for a couple of hours. These are my friends. If you don’t mind—”

“I do mind,” she interrupts. “This is a waste of my time, as it is yours. We could be out on my father’s yacht right now, but instead, we’re in some random old woman’s house.”

Reed grimaces, shooting me an apologetic look. I keep my expression neutral as he rises to his feet. “You need some air, babe? Let’s go outside.”

As Lena and Reed wander off, I can practically see storm clouds brewing between them. That relationship certainly doesn’t seem like it was built to last.

I’m alone on the couch now. I decide to stay where I am—if I wander off, Declan won’t be able to find me again.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t find me before his father does. Johnathan, walking past, stops and does a double take when he sees me at the coffee table. He’s holding a glass of red wine.

“Oh, hello,” he says politely. “I don’t know that we’ve met, but you looked like you were here with my son, Declan. I’m Johnathan Wright. It’s a pleasure.” He extends a hand, still standing.

I reach up reluctantly to shake it. He seems friendly, and his tone is casual, but with the way Declan reacted to his arrival, I’m still on edge. “Nice to meet you,” I say cautiously. “I’m Sophie.”

“And how do you know my son, Sophie?”

“Well… we’re actually dating,” I say, shifting my weight. “I’m his girlfriend.”

“Oh, his girlfriend,” Johnathan echoes, nodding. He stands next to the coffee table, staring into the fire. His voice remains light and pleasant as he says, “Well, lucky you, then. Scored the jackpot.”

“Yes,” I say, mystified. Why is he so intent on talking to me? “I’m very lucky. He’s an incredible man.”

“Not just that.” Johnathan takes a sip of the wine, then swirls the remainder around in the glass. “The money, of course. I’m sure not many girls are this successful at digging for gold. You must be proud.”

“I—” I shake my head, dumbfounded. “What?”

“Do you have a career, Sophie?”

“I—I work at Dynasty,” I stammer. “I’m in marketing.” I crane my neck to look for Declan, Nora, or Cole—someone who can get me out of this conversation, which is quickly starting to turn sour.
