Page 113 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Thank you,” I tell him. “I’d love to go.”

Chapter 35


I stand in front of Declan’s floor-length mirror, frowning. The girl in the mirror stares back at me, her gaze critical, eyebrows furrowed as she looks me up and down.

I’m wearing a dress, and I can’t decide if it’s too short. I got it for events such as this one—a daytime party, but one where I’m hoping to impress—but for a thousand reasons, I’m not certain it’s appropriate for an outing where I might meet more of Declan’s family. It’s a V-neck, cut at the mid-thigh, and light, almost summery.

What if everyone else is more dressed up? What if they disapprove of the neckline? What if—

Declan comes up behind me, interrupting my analysis. His arms drape over my shoulders, and he presses a kiss against the back of my neck. My stomach melts, and the girl in the mirror smiles fondly.

I spent the night at his place. That’s actually been happening a lot for the past two weeks. Yesterday, Reagan teased me for never being around anymore, and she’s got a point.

I’m completely lost in Declan. Every second we spend together is like a small miracle. At work, we keep things professional, but that coldness that lingered between us is gone. Whenever I meet his gaze across a crowded room, or whenever we pass by each other in the hallway, I feel like I can see so much in the depths of his eyes.

The coldness is gone, and in its place is an undeniable, burning heat.

“You almost ready to head out?” Declan murmurs in my ear.

I bite my lip, regarding my reflection again. “I don’t know. What do you think? Is this dress okay?”

“You look wonderful,” he tells me.

“But what if your grandmother doesn’t like how I’m dressed? What if other people—”

“Sophie,” Declan interrupts. “There’s no reason to be nervous.”

I let out a short breath, my gaze flicking to the ground. “I’m not nervous.”

He chuckles at that. “Yes, you are.” He takes me by the upper arm, turning me away from the mirror to face him. “But you have no reason to be.”

Sighing, I nod. “You’re right.”

“My grandmother liked you last time you met,” he says. “Remember?”

A reluctant smile breaks out across my face. I liked Nora too. She’s getting up there in age, but spry and healthy, with a quick wit—exactly how I hope to spend my sunset years. She was kind too, and warm despite not knowing me.

“It’s just—usually we just go out on our own, just the two of us,” I explain, my heart fluttering, “and we’ve kept things quiet at work, so most people don’t know about us. This will be the first time people in your circle will actually see us together. What if they think it’s scandalous, or something? That you’re dating an employee—a—a commoner—”

Declan gets a good laugh out of that, interrupting my nervous rambling. “Believe it or not, nobody in my circle says the word ‘commoner.’”

He reaches down to kiss my forehead, an affectionate, gentle peck. Then he reaches down farther to kiss me on the lips, and it’s as though he lit a match between us to kindle that blazing heat.

His hands, resting on my hips, travel in opposite directions. One cups my breast, squeezing gently, while the other travels down to the hem of my dress. He lifts the fabric, letting his fingers brush my folds, and I gasp for breath.

“Don’t worry,” he says in my ear as the pad of his finger finds my clit, teasing. “I don’t care about what any of them think. I like you. That’s all that matters.”

He withdraws his hand, smoothing the skirt of the dress, and I can’t help my little whine of longing. He grins, like he’s pleased with himself for getting me all hot and bothered right when we’re about to walk out the door.

“Just something for you to think about,” he says with a shrug.

My stomach flutters, and this time, it’s not with nerves. It’s with anticipation.

* * *

Nora’s residence is classy and elegant, and as we arrive, I have to remind myself not to openly gawk at the facade of the house. Despite Declan’s reassurances, I still want to make sure nobody thinks I’m out of place here.
