Page 107 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Be that as it may—”

“I don’t understand what the holdup is here.” Declan sighs. “I know we’re not breaking policy, and I know that you have forms in that desk for us to sign.”

Gigi bites her lip, looking between the two of us dubiously, then relents and reaches into her desk. She produces two forms, each attached to a clipboard, and passes them over to us.

I scan the document, then look over at Declan to see that he hasn’t even read it. He’s already signing.

I return my gaze to my own clipboard, to the neat, official-looking text printed there. It’s nothing unexpected. Just a lot of things about “voluntary, mutual social relationships,” public displays of affection, and Dynasty’s sexual harassment policy, which I already read as part of my onboarding.

I uncap my pen and sign my name. Gigi reaches out to collect both clipboards from us.

“We won’t be broadcasting our relationship in the workplace,” Declan says, and Gigi nods. “We just wanted it to be officially on the record with HR, so that there’s no potential scandal here. But we’ll be keeping it under wraps if we can.”

“I understand,” Gigi says. The way she looks at Declan makes me feel like she knows him well. They’ve probably worked together for a long time. There’s open skepticism on the older woman’s face.

I try not to let that worry me, but it’s difficult. Is this really so hard to believe?

Yes, I think reluctantly. It is. I’ve had just as much trouble wrapping my head around it as Gigi seems to.

“Thank you, Gigi,” Declan says, giving her a nod. He rises from his chair, and I do the same, following him out of the office.

As soon as we’re through the door, Declan smiles down at me. I feel a rush of excitement as our eyes meet.

We’re really doing this.

He lifts a hand, brushing his knuckles lightly under my chin. Just a tiny touch, nothing salacious, but it sends goosebumps racing over my skin.

“Can I take you out tonight?” he asks, his eyes bouncing between mine.

I can’t help my giddy, excited grin. “Of course!”

Chapter 34


The rest of my work day is a blur. I do my best to focus—after all, I just signed a document pledging not to let my relationship with Declan interfere with my professionalism—but it’s hard to keep my mind from wandering. All I want to think about is tonight, and whatever Declan has planned.

When the day finally comes to an end, I’m one of the first people to leave the office, even though I’d usually stay late to get a little extra work done.

I head home to clean up and get ready, since I’ve barely been home all weekend. I’m running out of clothes, and need to shower with my own products instead of borrowing Declan’s. He’s meticulously clean, of course, and his soap and shampoo are better and far more expensive than mine. But still, maintaining at least a little bit of normalcy seems important.

As I dress myself and sit at the table applying careful, light eyeliner, I smile over at my phone. All day, Declan has been texting me.

Some of the messages were filthy, telling me all of the things he wants to do to me, reminding me of his favorite parts from last night. Others are simple and sweet. Telling me how beautiful I look today. Telling me that he’s thinking about me.

The combination of the two—adorable and searingly hot—has my stomach in knots, in the best way possible. It’s a reminder that this isn’t just sex anymore. This is real.

Just as I’m finishing up my makeup, the buzzer for the intercom sounds, alerting me to someone outside my apartment. I frown, glancing at my phone. It’s way too early for that to be Declan, but I’m not expecting anyone else.

I pad over to the wall and press the button for the speaker on the intercom. “Who is it?”

“Delivery for Sophie Anderson,” a male voice responds.

“Oh. Okay.” I wrack my brain, trying to remember if I ordered anything recently. “Uh, you can just leave it in the entryway and I’ll come get it.”

“Sorry, ma’am, but you need to sign for it to confirm receipt.”

My brows furrow even harder. What on earth?
