Page 35 of Are You For Reel?

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“It’s hard not to get a big head when a famous author is wearing my clothes,” I say.

She rolls her eyes. “Not like I had a choice of anything else.”

I just my chin toward the utility room. “Check the dryer.”

The way her face lights up from this small act of consideration claws at my chest. “You washed my dress?”


Caroline pads over to the dryer and pulls out her clothes. “Thanks. I’m gonna go take a shower if that’s ok.”

“Of course it’s okay. And after that, I have something to show you,” I say, cleaning up the pancake pan in the sink.

“Oh. Can you show it to me in the shower?”

I laugh. “No.”

“Oh.” She bites her lip and actually looks disappointed.

“But I can tell you about it in the shower.”

The lift of her eyebrows and the flush in her cheeks give me life.

“Last one in is a rotten egg!” Caroline calls out, sprinting up the stairs.

I’ve never laughed this much with anyone else.

We’re going to have so much fun, and I can’t wait to show her my project.



I don’t knowwhat it is, but this place calls out to me.

Cash explains where everything will go once the plans are approved, and follows me around the property with a hand-drawn map.

“Here is where I thought I could have a bay window; the lake is visible through the trees. I can even get an easement with the neighbors to build a trail down to the beach. Also, I have the kitchen as part of a great room, but I can divide it into a separate room if you…if you think that would make more sense for someone who does a lot of cooking. I mean, I’ll have to—there’s not a lot of takeout around here. If I’m talking too much, just say so.”

I’m listening, but mostly, I’m inhaling the goodness all around me. The breeze blows through the birch trees, their little egg-shaped leaves winking at me as they dance.

Just say the word.

I turn around.

“I’ll stay.”

He drops the map. “You will?” Cash’s brows draw together.

“I’m going to do my book signing. You’re going to stay here and take care of your parents. And then, I’m coming back, and I’m staying.”

Cash drops the plans and eats up the distance between us. Neither of us says anything further for the moment. We will make more plans in the car on the way to the airport in Traverse City, where, later, he’ll meet his parents and drive them back home. We’ll text on the plane. I’ll call him when I land. He’ll call to check on me later and to wish me goodnight.

I am assured that all of this will happen because he says these things will happen.

For now, though, this moment is only an embrace, right here, on the spot of our future.

