Page 38 of Cover Up

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They left the bags behind as Felix led the way to the door, then scrolled through his phone for the code. “It’s pretty small. It’s only got two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms, but it has a massive yard with a spa and a fully equipped kitchen in case we get sick of takeout.”

“I’m already sick of it,” Dei said with another laugh as he breezed past Felix into the foyer. The floors were a polished concrete, and they led right to a living room with a very slender, white leather couch, which Felix doubted would hold Dei’s bulk. The windows were floor-to-ceiling, though, which let in light, and that filtered into the massive kitchen he could just make out through an archway.

“Oh, darlin’, you didn’t tell me the ocean was right here.”

“Right,” Felix said, grinning sheepishly as he followed Dei to the terrace. “And the ocean’s right there.”

Dei rolled his eyes and elbowed him before fumbling with the lock and getting the door to slide all the way to the left. The breeze hit him right away, waves visible through the palms and over an accessible blue walkway that was half buried in the sand.

“We ain’t got waves like this,” Dei said, gazing past the small pool.

Felix shook his head. “No. We really don’t. I do miss it. I just don’t miss anything that came with being here.”

Dei turned to him and brushed a touch over his jaw. “We’ll get you some better memories, sugar. I swear it.”

Felix swallowed heavily, and instead of giving in to his urge to lean in, he leaned back and walked into the house. He could hear Dei right behind him, following him down the short corridor and to the first bedroom. He turned the handle, but it wouldn’t budge, and he frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

Felix looked back over his shoulder. “First room’s locked. I’ll email the property manager if you wanna throw your stuff into the other bedroom,” Felix said, gesturing to the open door.

Dei walked past him and let out another whistle. “Damn, what do they call these beds? Alaskan kings?”

Felix peered around him, then burst into laughter. “At least there’s room for all of your…” He waved his hand up and down Dei’s body.

Dei grinned at him. “Yeah. I guess even missin’ a couple limbs, I still take up a lot of space.”

“I like that about you,” Felix said softly. Their gazes connected, and just when he couldn’t take it anymore, Dei turned away. “I’m gonna go call the rental agency and see what’s up with the other room.”

Without waiting for Dei’s response, Felix made his way back to the kitchen and leaned on the counter where the welcome packet was sitting. He flipped open the first page and reached for his phone when something caught his eye.

Welcome guests! Thanks for choosing Blue Coastal Rentals for your luxury stay. Unfortunately, this unit is currently undergoing some renovations, so the first bedroom is currently inaccessible. Please feel free to utilize the sofa for the second sleeping area, and don’t hesitate to call if there’s a problem…

Felix slammed the book shut and dropped his forehead down to the counter. The sofa looked about as comfortable as sleeping on concrete. It was all rich person aesthetic—beauty over comfort—and he wasn’t looking forward to spending a week with his back seizing up.

He jumped a little when fingers brushed the back of his neck, but instead of sitting up, he just turned his head. “Hey.”

“What’s got you in a tizzy, darlin’?”

Felix closed his eyes against the sweetness in Dei’s tone. “That room is apparently closed for renovations, so I’m going to be sleeping on that shitty-ass couch for the week.”

“The hell you are,” Dei said.

Felix snorted and forced himself to stand upright. “Don’t tell me you’re going to squeeze onto that thing.”

Dei grimaced. “No, shug. The both of us are gonna find room in that planet-sized bed.”


“Or I’ll make myself a little pallet on the floor if you’re not comfy there, but there’s a ton of room for us both, and a midnight cuddle never scared me none.”

Felix swallowed heavily. He wasn’t worried about a cuddle. He was worried about the way they both very obviously wanted each other.

“I can be a difficult sleeper sometimes,” Felix said.

Dei raised a brow at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Um. I don’t know. Just that I might, you know, not respect your space.”

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