Page 19 of Cover Up

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Felix frowned, then realized what he was talking about and stuck out his tongue. He had two barbells—one large in the center and one smaller one near the tip. “Technically, I shouldn’t have this. My neurologist is always freaking out about what if I swallow it or something, but I don’t know.” He trailed off with a shrug. “I’ve already given up so much to my condition.”

“I get that,” Dei said very softly, and Felix knew he was one of the few people who actually did. “And for what it’s worth, I think it’s pretty wild-lookin’.”

Felix laughed. “That’s not wild. There’s a guy who works at the Colorado shop who’s got a split tongue.”

Dei almost choked on his drink. “He’s got a what now?”

“Like a forked tongue?” Felix said. He stuck his out and used his finger to drag a line down the middle.

Dei pulled a face. “What’s the point of that?”

Felix felt a little hot under the collar. “Both sides can move independently. I’ve heard it feels amazing when he…uh, you know…”

Dei’s eyes widened when he realized what Felix was trying to imply. “Goes downtown?”

Felix shrugged and glanced away. “Yeah. I mean, not that I would know,” he said in a sudden rush. “Miguel’s got a husband, and their relationship isn’t open.”

“Oh shit,” Dei said. “Miguel? I met that guy. We declared each other stump bros for life. I didn’t know he had his tongue all…whatever.”

Felix laughed and shook his head. “Split. And yeah. A couple of the guys at the shop were…interested in it after Amit told them how much he liked it.”

“You?” Dei pressed.

Felix shook his head. “I guess for a guy who works in a tattoo and piercing shop, I’m kind of a wimp about pain. When I got my tongue piercings done, I wanted to die for the two weeks it took for me to eat solids again.”

“Poor baby,” Dei said with a grin. Felix flipped him off, and Dei laughed. “Wish I’d’a known you back then, darlin’. I would have fed you soup.”

Felix didn’t know what to say to that. He wished a lot of things these days, but as the guys at the shop liked to say, wish in one hand and shit in the other—see which one fills up faster.

“Alright, you,” Dei said, dragging Felix from his thoughts. “Let’s get you back into that blanket nest.”

Felix wanted to protest, but he knew the best way for him to get back to normal was more sleep. He stood up, feeling a little sluggish, and he let out a startled noise when Dei’s arm came around him. He leaned in and breathed in the scent of him—woodsy with cologne and spicy from the food.

“I don’t want to keep you,” Felix said as he settled back against his pillows. “If you’ve got somewhere to be.”

Dei hesitated, glancing at the door. “If I go back out, I’m just gonna be running myself ragged tryin’a find Sofia, who’s probably in the middle of nowhere, bum-fuck Georgia by now. But if I’m in your hair…”

“No,” Felix said quickly, then bit the inside of his cheek to try and give himself some semblance of a filter. “No. You’re not. I like the company. I get extra emotional after a seizure, and it really sucks to be alone. I’m just trying to feel like less of a burden on all my friends.”

Dei’s face went stormy as he sat. “Those guys makin’ you feel that way?”

Felix sat halfway up. “God no. If anything, they’re a little too far up my ass. But I…I don’t know. I hate having to rely on people. Like, Zeke always makes me promise that I text him right after I have a seizure or sends someone down here to check on me. And I know I should do it every time, but it makes me feel like I can’t take care of myself.”

Dei glanced at the door. “We expecting cavalry?”

Felix frowned. “Hmm? Oh, no. I didn’t get the chance to let him know because my really, really nice neighbor came over and distracted me with food and cuddles.”

“Aw, hon…” Dei breathed out.

“Trust me,” Felix told him, feeling just a little bold, “I don’t mind.”

Their gazes connected for a long time, and then Dei’s hand reached for Felix’s, and their fingers linked together. Once again, Felix told himself not to read into it, but it was getting harder and harder each time Dei seemed to pull him closer.

Silence settled between them, and Felix let himself drift with a warm pulse beating gently against his own.


“Hey, boss,” Dei said, walking into Jeremiah’s office. He didn’t know why his heart was thumping in his chest. He had a tattoo appointment in ten minutes, and it sure as hell wasn’t his first time sitting under needles, but for some reason, he felt like jumping out of his skin.

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