Page 5 of Felix and the Spy

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“That a spy must follow the plan to ensure the safety of everyone involved.”

“Why then, did you flout my orders?”

She should say sorry again, apologize for her poor actions, and take the easy way out. But when she opened her mouth, what came out was, “Because I have a brain, sir. Nobody from the army was there. If I hadn’t taken him to the prison, he’d have run away,” Amara said.

Felix pinched his nose, dislodging his gold-framed glasses. His gray eyes bore a sheen of red, something that indicated he was controlling his temper. She probably shouldn’t have said that to her superior. It was a miracle Felix hadn’t transferred her to the middle of nowhere yet. With gray hair, startling silver eyes, and a gentle face, he looked nothing like the most dangerous spy in Inferno. She’d always thought him too nice. Perhaps that was what made him so scary—that he could inherently win anybody’s trust.

“General Darius told me that an officer was waiting.”

“He was two minutes late,” Amara said. “I realize I made a mistake, but I captured our target. He’s in prison. That was my mission, wasn’t it?”

Felix sighed. “It was. And that is the only reason I keep you around.” When his eyes glanced at her, they were back to their original hue. “Nevertheless, your actions could have negative consequences for the Secret Service. In the future, I’d like you to keep your temper in check. I have been patient with you, Amara.”

“I know,” she said in a low voice. Felix had been patient with her frequent outbursts after her transfer. In the beginning, Amara had hoped her temper would return to its original state in a year, but three years later, there was no sign of improvement. She was beginning to dread that she’d always be this volatile. It was like all the anger she had inside her body had erupted like a volcano and there was no shoving it back inside. “I won’t do it again.”

A long beat of silence passed. Felix looked at her, unconvinced. She had said the same thing the last time and the last time. Was she losing her touch?

“What did he do to earn your ire?” He asked in a low voice.

“Nothing,” Amara said. When Felix narrowed his eyes at her, the truth came tumbling out. “He grabbed my ass.”

Felix blinked. “Last time someone did that to you, you kneed them in the…” he coughed. “You know where.”

“Are you asking why I didn’t knee him in the groin?”

“No. I am suggesting improvements to your ways of dealing with problematic targets.”

“Violence doesn’t solve anything,” Amara said.

“That’s mature of you.” He wasn’t buying it. She hadn’t been acting very mature over the last three years. “But I’d rather you knee him than risk exposure.”

She nodded. Amara liked how calm Felix was when faced with problems. She could learn a thing for two from him. He thought on his feet and remained resilient when plans failed. When she’d started at Sigilis, she’d been eager to learn from him. Amara liked her work and liked the satisfaction of a successfully completed mission. Her job was the only source of pride left in her life. But her temper threatened to destroy everything she’d earned.

“I wouldn’t have done it if I thought it’d put our mission in danger. You know I take this job seriously.”

“I know, which is why I’m going to let you off this time.”

Her eyes enlarged. He was letting her go so easily? No punishment?

Felix was the kind of man who never got angry or showed emotion. She was always left wondering what he was thinking. He was opaque like he was hiding something under that unobjectionable surface. Sometimes, Amara thought she’d retire from being a spy the day she managed to figure out Felix’s brain. That would be her greatest achievement.

“Aren’t you going to give me the lecture on respecting authority you gave me last time?”

“Did it work?”


“I thought so. You’re dismissed, Amara. Go home. Cool off that hot head of yours. And do better next time.” He turned to the pile of pages on his desk and began reading, waving his hand in the air.

“Yes, sir.”

She began to walk away when he interrupted. “And Amara,”

“Yes, sir?” She turned around.

“Good job.”

The praise seeped into her bones and soothed her turbulent heart. One corner of her lips hitched up in a smile. She lived to receive compliments from Felix. He didn’t give them out easily, so she knew they were well-earned. There was something so deeply satisfying about hearing those words from his mouth. It made all her anxiety vanish.

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