Page 2 of Felix and the Spy

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“Good morning, Felix.” General Darius’ green eyes met his, as he walked out of the palace. He was walking from the palace, waving to Felix with a friendly grin. The fallen angel, who had gray wings, looked intently at him. “Working on a weekend?”

“Yes. I didn’t think you’d be here on a Saturday.” Felix’s eyes moved to Michael who smiled at him from next to Darius. He was the Minister of Peace of Escayton and dressed in light blue robes to signify his position.

“You know I’m always up for more work,” Darius said with a smile. He’d most probably come to the court to find Michael, his partner, who more often than not was at Queen Xara’s court. “And to see Michael.”

Felix nodded in acknowledgment. Of late, the court had been filled with happy couples, something that made him feel out of place. Long ago, he’d been one of them, in love with his late wife. But time had left nothing but memories. His eyes fell on the lush, green gardens filled with sweet-smelling flowers and lushly blooming trees–so different from the dead plants he was used to in Inferno City.

“Don’t you love it here?” Michael asked. “The weather is so much better than Inferno City. I, for one, am glad the king decided to move the capital.”

Michael was an angel from the heavenly kingdom of Elysium. He’d moved to Inferno five years ago to be with Darius. Unlike Inferno which had only nights, Elysium had only days. However, thanks to the proximity to Escayton, Sigilis was a city that had both days at nights. Three years ago, King Delton had moved Inferno’s capital to Sigilis to be with his wife, Queen Xara of Escayton. As a result, the secret service and army headquarters had relocated. It was now both the capital of Escayton and Inferno.

“I never thought this city would grow on me, but you’re right,” Darius looked at Michael, his fingers threaded in his partner’s. “But I’m sure you hate it, Felix. You’re a demon, after all. This blinding daylight can’t be pleasant for you.”

“I’m used to it,” he said. Perhaps Mrs. Dane was the reason. Though he’d never seen her, he felt like he had a friend in this city. Every time he brushed by a woman who could be her age on the streets, he’d pause and wonder if this was his secret pen friend. Mystery was the charm of their relationship, but a part of him craved to see her, to touch her, to confirm that the person who had given him so much comfort was real. He didn’t want to leave Sigilis until he’d found her. “I don’t hate it as much as I thought I would. It’s a pleasant change of scenery.”

“Really?” Darius was disbelieving. Felix was a demon unlike Darius, and he liked hot weather.

“Yes…Sigilis has its charms. I’ve been exploring it.”

Last year, he’d been to the spring festival because Mrs. Dane had written to him about it. He’d wandered among the crowds, wondering if this would be the moment he'd bump into her. Would he recognize her if he saw her? Felix did not know what Mrs. Dane looked like, but he had built elaborate images in his head. It was as if an invisible bond connected them.

“The spring festival?” Michael was intrigued. “We wanted to go last year, but I had to visit Terra instead.” He looked at Darius. “We should go this year.”

“We should,” Darius said, his eyes lingering on Felix’s cropped hair. “And I like your new haircut. Maybe it’s time I got one too.”

Felix self-consciously touched his locks. He’d cut his hair after Mrs. Dane had told him it was a rite of passage to overcome grief and heartbreak. Or that was how she thought of it. He never thought he’d get over his wife’s death, but with each letter that she sent, he’d moved closer to healing. While he wasn’t completely over it, he was ready to take tiny steps to move on.

“I like your hair the way it is,” Michael threaded his fingers through Darius’ slightly overgrown mahogany hair. Their eyes met and Darius stared a little too long at Michael.

Felix cleared his throat, feeling as if he were intruding on a private moment. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, general, minister, I have to report to the king.”

“Of course, don’t let us keep you.” Darius tugged at Michael’s hand. “We’ll be on our way.”

Felix speed walked to the palace entrance, thinking of returning home quickly so that he could read Mrs. Dane’s next letter.

The inside of the palace was cool, made of marble walls and columns that stretched to the heavens. Light poured in through the arched windows, casting a glow on the hallway filled with antiques, paintings, and artifacts. King Delton had spared no expense in building the new palace. It would be the start of a new era, he’d said.

“Petronilla!” The sound of King Delton’s pet parrot echoed in the halls, as he moved along the red carpeted hallways. The parrot only knew General Petronilla’s name as it was a gift from the King of Terra and Petronilla was one of the few humans in the court. He turned the corner at the Royal court of Inferno, which lay next to the court of Escayton, where Queen Xara sat.

The golden doors of the palace parted to let him in. Felix glanced up at King Delton’s throne made of bones and rubies. He sat atop it, a large, intimidating figure dressed in black and gold. His long fingers adorned with silver rings were curved around something. Someone.

He wasn’t alone.

Queen Xara sat on his lap, their lips locked in a passionate kiss as he held her close. Her arms looped around his neck and his curved around her waist, they kissed each other like nothing else in the world mattered. Upon hearing his receding steps, King Delton stopped, looking over the queen’s head. She turned, her face instantly coloring.

“Felix.” Queen Xara stood up, straightening her gown. The court was empty since it was the weekend. They weren’t expecting him to show up. Good thing he planned to wind up quickly.

“Your majesties,” he bowed. “I thought I’d come and deliver my weekly report.”

“Of course…” Queen Xara moved away from King Delton, but his gaze followed her, disappointed. “I…I should be getting back—“

The sound of giggles erupted from nowhere. The queen’s eyes cut to the door, following two fast-moving bundles of black and white. Felix felt something grip the back of his leg and turned immediately. A four-year-old child with large blue eyes looked up at him, her hands wrapped around his calves.

“Princess Noire.”

Or was it Princess Blanche? He could never tell the twins apart.

“Daddy…” she wailed, letting go of his leg and running to King Delton’s side. The king picked up her up by her small, squishy arms and placed her on his thigh. With their dark blue eyes and raven hair, the twins resembled King Delton. However, they had their mother’s round face and Felix hoped, her temperament, though the situation before him made it hard to believe.

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