Page 46 of Unholy Obsession

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When he’s done, he carries me from the bed to the shower, cleaning my hair and skin before he fucks me once more against the shower wall, my cries filling the bathroom as he presses my breasts against the tiles. Afterwards, I dry my hair and dress myself in one of the cotton sundresses that hang in the closet, the blue fabric catching Marco’s eye as he comes back with breakfast for the two of us.

I don’t question his kindness or defy him in any way, I’m too lost in the blissfulness of these small moments to even care. We eat our eggs and toast quietly at the coffee table by the window in the bedroom, the sounds of the birds catching my attention outside. I can feel him watching me as I gaze out of the window and sip my coffee, the rising sun warming my skin as I close my eyes.

“Would you like to go for a walk outside in the garden?” He asks, surprising me.

My eyes snap open and go to his face, hope and excitement filling me.

“Are you serious?” I gasp, searching his blurry gaze.

For a brief moment, he almost seems sad. Almost.

“Yes. The temperature is nice and I figured you could bring the camera,” he says simply, finishing his coffee before he gathers our dishes and stacks them neatly into a pile.

“Why are you being so kind to me?” I ask after a while, watching him as he adjusts his glasses and picks up small messes around the room.

I don’t know who this man is and what he’s done to the monster that stole and trapped me here, but I do know that I like him an awful lot. Even when he doesn’t answer my question. He just goes to the closet and comes back with a pair of sandals, sliding them onto my feet before he grabs my hands and pulls me up from my chair. He bends to retrieve the camera from the nightstand, placing it in my hands before he wraps his arm around me and walks me to the door. When he opens it, I see that my guard, Lorenzo, is still standing in front of the bedroom.

“Morning, boss,” he says when he looks at Marco, completely ignoring me.

I can’t help but wonder if that is because Marco has ordered him to do so.

Marco nods at him and pulls me closer, my side now flush against his as he speaks to Lorenzo.

“Lori and I will be taking a walk in the garden. You will keep watch for us outside,” he says, the guard nodding at him before Marco turns us and walks us down the staircase, his arm still wrapped tightly around me.

I want to ask him why we still need a guard if he’s outside with me, but I decide against it. If allowing him to do what he does without question encourages him to continue showing me this new side of him, then that’s what I’ll do. I don’t want to allow any question or comment to ruin whatever this is between us.

He walks me through the massive house, my sandals slapping against the marble floor of the hall. When we step inside what seems to be the kitchen, my jaw drops. It is bigger than any kitchen I’ve ever been in, white marble everywhere with floor to ceiling windows that allow an ample amount of sunlight to seep through. Immediately, I want to take a picture. I grab the camera and bring it to my face, catching the shot just as Mariella peaks up from behind the aisle. I jump in surprise, a chuckle leaving her lips as Marco pulls me even closer to him.

“Good morning, Lori! It’s so good to see you here.” Her warm, accented voice says, a smile playing with my lips as she walks to us and kisses both Marco and I on the cheek.

“Come, I was just making tea,” she says as she walks back towards the stove, Marco’s hand twitching from where it rests on my side.

“Actually mama, I promised Lori a walk through the garden. Perhaps you can keep it warm for us,” he says, adjusting his glasses with his free hand as he speaks.

God, I love it when he does that. I think I may even love him.

Lori, stop it. It’s not safe.

I shake my internal words away, not wanting to break from this peaceful moment quite yet. I haven’t even gotten to see the roses.

“I will do just that,” Mariella says with a smile in her voice, Marco now leading me from the kitchen to a set of French double doors.

“Come,” he says to me, opening them and walking us out into the fresh air as Lorenzo rounds the corner and walks a few feet ahead of us, sweeping his gaze around the perimeter of the massive back yard.

There is green everywhere I look, the sun not nearly as bright as it is in the afternoon, but still stunning my gaze as I step into the outdoors for the first time in a month. I can’t help but wince. My lungs feel startled by the fresh air, my skin shivering with goosebumps as soon as the sunlight heats my skin. I hear birds all around me, singing to each other as I look at every angle that I can find, a new color filling my gaze with each sharp turn of my head. It’s beautiful out here. It’s so beautiful.How I’ve missed being outside. The thought brings a fleeting feeling of guilt, but I don’t allow myself to sit in it for long. There’s too much beauty to take in right now. I refuse to let this moment become ruined.

“Do you need sunglasses?” Marco asks, staring at me as I close my eyes and take a deep breath of fresh air.

I shake my head, smiling as I feel the warmth of the sun heat my skin, the smell of flowers and fresh morning dew surrounding me.

“No. I’m just taking it all in,” I say, his hand twitching against my side once more.

I blink my eyes open and stare at him, his expression unreadable. He tilts his head and watches me closely, his breathing deep, even as he stands there beside me.

“Okay,” he says finally, walking us forward and through the red rose bushes, my camera already pressing against my face as I take as many shots as I can as we walk through the garden. The further we go, the more color I see.

“My mother planted this well before I was born,” he says, continuing on and telling me stories of his childhood, before he had to take over his father’s business.

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