Page 11 of The Moment

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We mold into several other poses on the bed, along the floor, against the overlook of the loft to the rest of the place. Genevie guides us gently back to the main floor for different backdrops and settings around the studio. The tension left in the wake of that kiss has me ready to explore with her, except we have company that seems to make himself known at the exact moment I would have otherwise had her naked in.

She told me her name while she straddled my lap and stroked the side of my face. I told her about my brother when she beganto unbutton my shirt, continuing her exploration with her hands on my inked torso.

“Aria,” I whisper in her ear and I feel her cheeks rise with a grin against the palm I have her face nestled in. “You have no idea how fitting that name is.” She barely leans back, her face just a breath from mine, the core of her pressing into my groin in all the right ways, heating me up and sending me insane.

“It’s really cool that you have siblings. Tell me something else about you.” she lilts, the look on her face screaming sex and comfort that I find myself wanting to wrap up in and tell her all about my life.

My secrets.

My career.

But I don’t. Because that would mean bursting this bubble of anonymity she’s unknowingly created for me.

And I’m just not ready for that.

I want whatever she’s willing to give me, though.

To not discourage her from exposing herself, I try to come up with something to say that won’t give me away. Or something that could become public info should she decide to tell the world she met a rockstar once she figures out who I am.

If she figures out who I am.

“It’s just the one brother. He’s actually my twin.” Sharing that detail feels cheapened by the entire world already knowing that about me. So I add, “He’s fraternal, but we often get mistaken as identical.” Publicly, fans believe that we are identical twins, he just keeps his hair shorter than mine. The information feels less than, but she squeals with delight at my confession anyway.

“Dear God, there two of you?” Her eyes are wide and her lips pull tight with elation. “Is he as pretty as you?” I full-on belly laugh at her reaction, allowing the moment to fill me up with lightheartedness.

“I suppose so. Not too partial on calling my own brother pretty, though.” Aria giggles, her hand coming back up to cover the sound.

“I wouldn’t want to emasculate either of you with a compliment.” My cock jumps at her brazenness, but I scoff in faux offense anyways.

“Too late, babe. I can feel his attitude change from here.” We share a laugh, but I can see the question in her eyes before she asks it.

“Where is he?” There’s concern lacing her words and drawing her brows down so I reach up to soften the muscles with the pad of my thumb.

“He’s at home. Maybe in my home. Possibly with another brother of mine.” Confusion undoes the work I just did softening her brow.


“Not by blood.”

The muscles under my thumb soften at my words.

Click. Click.

“G,” I call out, not taking my eyes off of her. “We done here?” Her face falls the moment the words leave my lips, the disappointment I can feel pulling her shoulders inward.

“I suppose we can be, Rexy dear.” My head snaps in the direction of the man, pinning him with my gaze through the camera lens he’s yet to set down. He lowers the device from his face as realization sets in.

“Rexy?” I’d managed not to tell her my name this whole time, but the sound of the stupid pet name coming from her rosy lips does tingly shit to my spine. I side-eye her for a moment, but return my blazing gaze back to our photographer.

“Not my name.” I correct, colder than I intended and not taking my eyes off of him. Genevie lowers the camera completelyand returns my invisible daggers with a look of his own. It screams a half-assed apology, but to also get the hell over it.

I’m too caught up in my own shit that I don’t notice the demeanor change until Aria pulls away from me to get up. She’s been in my lap or against my body so long that I feel the absence of her the moment she breaks the contact. The void of warmth.

The missing coconut scent.

She’s already walking away from me when I push to my feet.

“Aria?” I question softly, reaching a hand out to her. She glances at me, but there’s already a shut-out starting, her dismissal digging straight into my chest

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