Page 71 of One Last Time

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He's placed back on his feet at the end of the bed and told to stay. He considers arguing, but then Travis is wrapping a nice warm towel around him and he forgets to.

With a second towel, the man starts slowly drying him off. He starts with his toes, flashing Carter a mischievous grin when Carter grumbles that his feet are too ticklish. He doesn't torture Carter with the information though, being nice. If Carter wasn't so high off of life, he'd probably realize the man is going to use it against him in the future. But that's future-Carter's problem. Present-Carter is way too happy to worry right now.

Once he's been dried off - even his hair, which Travis carefully dried with a towel - Travis brings out a bottle of lotion. Carter blinks sleepily at him, fighting a yawn. "We almost done?"

"Of course. Is my boy tired?"

"No," he lies, not wanting to admit weakness. Then he sighs. What a silly thing to lie about when he's fucking exhausted and too happy to be bothered. "Yes."

"Mmm. Five more minutes. Move your arms. I want to rub this on your belly and chest, where the wax was."

Carter considers making a dirty comment, but yawns instead. He moves his arms at least. The lotion is warm and smells like cookies. He smiles, realizing distantly that it's his favorite lotion - the one he's been using since arriving at the safehouse to find it in his bathroom. Travis must have stolen the bottle he left behind. Did he miss him that much? The thought makes Carter feel positively gooey inside.

The feeling doesn’t last long.

“I asked you if you trusted me earlier, right before I started with the was,” Travis murmurs as he starts to work the lotion into Carter's skin. Carter tenses, his heart kicking into overdrive as his sleepiness fades. No, no, don't ruin it. He had hoped Travis hadn't noticed his hesitation, but… "You hesitated."

Carter closes his eyes, wishing he could hide from the man. "I'm sorry…"

"You trust me as your sir, right? I thought I heard you emphasize sir. It's why I continued the scene."

"Yes," Carter whispers. "I've - I've always trusted sir."

"I know." Travis sighs, pouring more lotion into his hand and returning it to Carter's chest. He gently rubs one of his nipples, clearly mindful of how sensitive they are. "Do you think there's a way to get you to trust me though? Or do you think it'll only ever be sir and Carter that work?"

Carter shakes his head immediately. "That's not how it'll be, Travis. I promise. I just… need time."

"And I'll give you it. As much as you need. I just… needed to know there's an end to it. To you not being able to give all of yourself to all of me."

Not caring about his skin any longer, Carter turns in Travis's arms to face him. Lotion smears across his sides and back as Travis’s hands cling to him. Carter presses in even closer. He feels Travis relax slightly, but can tell he's holding his breath. This poor man. "There's this thing people do, when they first start to see each other. Before falling in love. Before sex, even. A thing that helps them get to know each other. A thing that helps them trust each other. A thing we skipped."


"They date."

"Oh," Travis says again. He pulls back just enough to show Carter his slight frown. "You… want to date? Like… go out? On dates?"

Carter laughs softly. "You make it sound like I just asked you to take me on a murder spree."

"That'd be much easier," Travis half-teases. "I could arrange a murder spree no problem."

"Maybe for our second date."

Travis smiles then, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "I have to be honest with you, Carter. I have no fucking idea how to date. I never really got the opportunity to."

"That's okay."

"And I don't know who I am, as Travis. If dating is supposed to help you get to know me, I don't know how it'll work…"

" I don't know who I am anymore, either. Or who I want to be. Or what I want to do." Carter shrugs, a smile forming on his lips. "But I know I want to be with you. So, let's figure the rest out together."



Travis seems to consider this. Then, very carefully, he asks, "But… still fucking? With me as your sir?"

"Absolutely." Carter flashes him a wicked grin. "That's not up for negotiation."
