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"No way. Kids are - they're too valuable. With it only having been a few months, I’m confident he’s still alive.”

Carter feels relieved at first, but it quickly fades as he remembers how, sometimes, death is better than the alternative. He knows that first hand. He's felt it first hand.

"Do you trust this guy on the inside?”

"Yes. It's - well, you met him. Sort of. At my party."

It takes a moment for Carter to understand. He's met a lot of men as Nathan Roarke's slave, but only one man would be trusted - because he's an operative just like Travis.

"Ronan," Carter says, trying to keep his tone neutral. "I… didn't realize you still spoke with him."

Travis winces. "Just about this.”

“I mean, it’s none of my business. You can talk to him. Fuck him again, if you want. Whatever.”

“Right.” Travis’s expression hardens. “Just like you can fuck whoever you want. Whatever.”

That hurts, but it shouldn’t, so Carter ignores it and nods. “Right. Whatever.”



“I’m going then.” Travis tugs his hat further down his head, his lips twisting into an angry scowl. “Maybe I’ll go call Ronan.”

Carter turns on his heel and barks over his shoulder, “Tell him I say hi!”

“I will!” he yells back.

When Carter gets to the table, everyone - even Casey - is gaping at him. Zoey snaps out of it first. “What the hell was that all about?”

Carter steals her drink and chugs it. He hears Casey mumble, “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

When he slams the empty glass down on the table, he turns to Casey and gives into his anger – and jealousy about stupid Ronan – by saying, “It’s time. I want to get laid.”

Chapter Six

“I have to admit, I was surprised when I got your request for a session,” Dr. Singh says as he sits back in his chair and rests his joined hands on his stomach. “You made it pretty clear when we wrapped up last time that you were done with me.”

Travis forces himself to take a breath instead of telling Dr. Singh to go fuck himself. The sentiment might come through in his tone, but one can only ask so much of him. He’s not a fucking saint. “I was done then. Now I’m not.”

“Fair enough. What would you like to discuss today?”

“I-” Travis stops himself, shaking his head. This is stupid. So fucking stupid.

Dr. Singh sighs. “Is it about Carter leaving?”

“Yeah,” he mumbles. Because what the fuck is the point in lying?

“It’s been over a week. Have you seen or spoken to him at all?”

Travis rubs at his face. “Yeah. Yeah, I went and watched him at his new job a few times. When he finally spotted me, he wasn’t happy.”

“Do you understand why he would be upset about that?”

“Of course.”

Dr. Singh frowns, his eyebrows pulling together. “And since you went multiple times and mentioned being spotted, I’m assuming you were hiding from him, which means you understood why he’d be upset before you ever went there. Yet, you did it anyway.”
