Page 124 of One Last Time

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Carter rolls his eyes, but there's no point arguing. Casey got a job at the same bar and grill that Carter works at just a few weeks ago. Jake has been in worry-mode ever since. It's hilarious and adorable.

Pressing a steaming mug of coffee into Carter's hand, Travis kisses him and orders him to go shower while breakfast cooks. Carter bites his lip to keep from saying something sassy about how domestic the man is becoming, knowing there's no time this morning for a red ass to be added to the agenda.

Carter hurries through his morning bathroom routine - all whole chugging his coffee - and then runs out into the kitchen just in time to be presented with an overflowing plate of eggs, toast, sausage, and fruit. He swallows a groan and reminds himself that Travis is just trying to take care of him.

Still, the man is determined to make him burst - and not in the sexy way.

He tries to be upset about it, but then he catches sight of the vase of daffodils that acts as a centerpiece for their small table and sighs in defeat. How can he be upset when he’s so fucking happy? It’s impossible. Unfairly so.

After eating as much as he can and realizing he's running 2 minutes behind schedule, Carter hops up from the table and grabs his jacket and backpack. "I'll see you at after work, then?"

"Hey, wait," Travis says softly, his signature pouty lip out like every morning. He takes Carter's face in his hands and smiles down at him. "You didn't kiss me goodbye."

"Then I suppose we should kiss goodbye."

"I suppose." Travis presses their foreheads together, making Carter wait a few more seconds. Then he closes the gap and takes his mouth in a firm kiss that still never fails to make Carter's world spin. When he pulls away far too soon, he kisses the tip of Carter's nose and grins at him. "I'm proud of you, you know that?"

Carter's chest lights right up. "I'm proud of you too, you know."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I'm serious." Carter strokes a thumb across his boyfriend's cheek, knowing soon it'll be smudged with charcoal or paint. He's been getting more into his art lately, even taking a class at the school one day a week - today being that day. Jax convinced him to take it by telling him the focus was on erotic art. Travis has been getting a lot of practice in by using Carter as inspiration. Carter would be embarrassed if those 'inspiring' nights weren't so fucking hot. "Tell Jax I say hi. And that I hope he makes it tonight."

"Will do."

They get home from the dinner at the big house later than they planned. Everyone had made it, the house packed full, and they'd both been flying too high surrounded by the family they've built to leave. Eventually, the guest of honor got overwhelmed and Maison and Hunter - a dynamic Travis plans to get to the bottom of the next time he gets Maison alone - had called it a night for everyone.

Carter is dead on his feet as he shuffles into their apartment. When Travis helps him remove his jacket, he rests his head on Travis's shoulder and slurs something about homework.

Usually that'd be their routine - Carter would get home from work and they'd cook dinner, chat, then cuddle up on the couch while Carter does homework and Travis draws - if he's in the mood - or watches TV while playing with Carter's hair. It's way too late tonight, though, and the boy doesn't have class tomorrow so his homework can't be due.

"Homework in the morning," Travis declares as he helps Carter remove his boots and guides him to their bedroom. "Let's just sleep, alright? It's been a long day."

"Mmm." Carter clumsily wiggles out of his clothes until he's naked, then basically faceplants onto the mattress. Travis can't help but smile at the sight of his sleepy boy, even if his hard cock wishes he'd do more than smile.

His ass is just so tight and pretty to look at as he lays there sprawled out on his stomach, all that pretty skin on display, legs spread in an invitation.

Travis sheds his clothes and grabs a bottle of lube, slicking his cock and climbing onto the bed. His boy has been fucked full of cum twice in less than 24 hours, so he doesn't prepare him. He just nudges his cock between those bubbly cheeks - cheeks that he's going to have to spank this weekend because they're just so damn pretty all nice and red - and asks, “Color?”

"Green," Carter slurs. "Use me, sir."

Travis does just that, using his boy to get himself off by fucking into him fast and steady. He drinks in the sounds Carter makes and basks in the way his ass milks his cock, throwing his head back and coming within minutes.

"You want to come, sweetheart?" he asks his sleepy boy when Carter starts to lazily hump the sheets.

"Please, sir?"

Travis rolls his boy over, spreading his legs so he can settle between them. He licks his hole for a minute, mostly to clean him up so he doesn't make a mess he has to sleep in on the sheets, but also because Travis will never get tired of tasting himself in the boy. Then he moves on to take Carter's cock into his mouth and sucks the boy expertly until he's falling apart.

It's as he settles beside Carter again, pulling the boy into his arms, that he remembers something. A fantasy he'd had a long time ago. The first time he ever held Carter in bed, actually.

"I fantasized about this," he finds himself admitting.

"About what?"

"Us. This life." Travis pauses, considering what to say. They've come such a long way from where they started, but he still doesn't like to draw attention to that very often. "Back when I first got you, when you were afraid of me. I fantasized about a life just like this one. Sleepy morning sex and me doing art while you do school and you being happy and safe and here with me.

Carter wiggles around until they're facing each other and presses a kiss to his lips. "Our own little happily ever after."
