Page 122 of One Last Time

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"Hey sweetheart," Travis says softly, his free hand coming up to cup Carter's cheek.

"Hey." Carter's cheeks ache from how hard he's grinning, but he doesn't bother trying to stop. "You saved us. All of us."

Travis's eyes shift, filling with all the bad thoughts he knows plagues the man's head. He stops him before he can argue by pressing their lips together. The man tastes like beer and Big Red gum. Carter moans and pushes his whole body against him, wanting to get closer.

"Get a room you two," someone teases while someone else wolf-whistles.

"I have a better idea," Travis says between kisses. He indulges Carter with one more deep, filthy stroke of his tongue before pulling away and grabbing his hand. "Come with me."

Always, Carter thinks as he lets himself be guided to the sliding door and out into the chilly night air. He shivers, but there's enough tequila in his system for it to be a comfortable kind of cold. More of just an annoyance. "The bedroom is much warmer."

"Yeah, yeah. Hang in there." Travis flashes him a grin as he pulls Carter along the house and around a corner, then toward the shed that is full of equipment for their missions. Carter has never wandered past that before. Despite his excitement to finally be allowed to go outside whenever he wanted, he had struggled going too far away from the house. He'd mostly hangout on the bank between the house and the river.

He realizes what he's been missing when they walk on a barely-there path through some trees and come out on a ledge. Carter's breath catches. "Holy shit."

"Don't get too close," Travis warns, using his grip on Carter's hand to pull him back a few steps. "Not the best place to hang out drunk."

"Right. Giving it space," Carter murmurs. But not too much space, because holy shit, it's fucking beautiful. The moonlight is just enough to be able to appreciate the shadowy view of rolling hills and rivers below. Every once in a while, there's a smattering of lights from a small town. "I had no idea we were high up like this."

"The safehouse is built low, so it can't be seen from down there. All they see when they look up are the trees."

"It's beautiful."

"I'll have to bring you to watch the sun set some time." Travis wraps his arms around Carter's waist and kisses his temple. "One of the next times you sleep here. I figured we could take turns? I'll stay more often at your place, since you have work and school, but I figure you'll want to come this way too sometimes. To see everyone."

Carter frowns. Yes, he does want to come here to see everyone from time to time, and maybe even to keep doing therapy, but.. .

"I want to be together all the time," he admits.

Travis goes perfectly still behind him. "Does that mean - are you saying you're moving back here?"

"No." Carter turns in Travis's arms, tilting his chin to look at the handsome man. He's all shadows and moonlight, and Carter is so in love with him. "I'm saying you should move in with me."

He feels the way Travis's body reacts to the words, his chest hitching and his hands going tight where they hold Carter's waist. "Are you sure?"

"Without a doubt." When Travis still looks full of doubts himself, Carter pushes up on his tiptoes and presses their foreheads together. "This morning, you said I shouldn't settle. That I should let myself hope. Let myself chase happiness. That's what I'm doing, Trav. I want a happy ending with you. I want you to be a part of the new life I'm building. Move in with me."

"Fucking hell, sweetheart." Travis grabs the sides of Carter's head a little too hard, slamming their mouths together. It's all teeth and emotion for the first few seconds as the man kisses him like he's reassuring himself Carter really exists. Then everything softens and slows, and Travis moves his hands until he has Carter wrapped up in his arms, held close to his chest. He kisses him a final time, a warm, lingering thing, then whispers against his lips, "Yes. So much yes. Let's start our happy ending."


Travis wakes up slowly, the morning light filtering in through the window coaxing him back to reality. For just a second, he's surprised that there's someone wrapped in his arms. Then it all comes rushing back.


He has Carter in his arms.

6 months of waking up with his boyfriend in his arms just like this, and his body still can't seem to believe it. Yet, here the boy is, wrapped around Travis, using his chest as a pillow as Travis lies on his back, a leg thrown over one of Travis's like he couldn't get close enough, that damn moose trapped between his stomach and Travis's side.

Travis has to piss, but it's rare they get to have lazy mornings like this one so he puts off getting up in case it wakes Carter.

Instead, he lets himself relax in the bed, studying Carter’s sleeping form. He’s peaceful like this. He looks his age. He looks beautiful. The boy is all messy dark brown hair and long lashes kissing pale skin. The elegant slope of his nose begs Travis’s finger to run along it. His cheekbones are sharp, but nowhere near what they used to be. The small freckle on the corner of his jaw is Travis's favorite place to press soft kisses. His lips, warm and soft, are impossibly full. Maybe Travis will wake the boy up and coax him into giving his sir a blow job. No matter how many times he sees his cock slide between those lips, he'll never get tired of the sight.

Then again, this morning feels too good for just a blow job. They have time for sleepy morning sex, which is Travis's favorite kind of sex when he and Carter aren't doing the dom and sub thing.

Knowing his boy has class he'll eventually have to get to, Travis starts to gently wake him up. First with kisses to that freckle he loves so much. Then with kisses to his throat.

"Wake up, sweetheart," he murmurs before dragging his teeth along the shell of his boy's very sensitive ear.
