Page 3 of Fragile Lies

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Victory!Picking up the pen, I scribble my name down. My stomach flips as butterflies dance within.I can’t wait to see the look on his face!

I wave goodbye to Chris, then ride up the elevator to the third floor. Leaning my head against the back wall, I recall the last time Aiden and I’ve been together. Everything felt right, but it doesn’t now.

It’s been three weeks since he’s touched me, three weeks since I felt like our bodies and hearts were in sync. Too damn long if you ask me.

The elevator finally arrives and I step out into a dark lobby, with equally dark offices.

Silence envelopes me.

My stomach nosedives.

My pulse picks up to a thunderous pace, thrumming in my ears.Thump. Thump.

Something isn’t right. Didn’t he say there were others here?Maybe they all went home? Yeah, that must be it.

I turn left onto the carpeted hallway, taking wavering strides toward his office. But as I descend further, I hear a distant laugh, a woman’s laugh. A sudden weight drops into my lungs making it hard to breathe.Well, I guess he isn’t the only one here.

As my steps get closer, so does her voice, but it isn’t just her voice I hear anymore, it’s Aiden’s too, and both are coming from his office.

“That feels good,” he groans. I stop, motionless. The butterflies I’ve had moments before are replaced with sudden dread. My blood rushes out of my body and I shiver from the ice now growing from my veins. I hope whatever I’m imagining is way worse than reality. Maybe those butterflies knew something I didn’t. Maybe they were warning me away.

“Mmm, Aiden,” she giggles, “you’re going to get us in trouble.”

I suck in a deep breath. Every one of her laughs punches me harder in my gut. Bile rushes up my throat like a dam and any attempt at swallowing it down only makes it worse. I squeeze my eyes shut at the first sign of tears leaking over the edges.

I take a step forward, then another, a mere few feet separate me from their groans. With every further step, fear grows and grows until it takes over completely.

“Bend over.” His voice rumbles through the hall and right into my heart, shattering it into tiny pieces.

A sharp pain hits my palm from the clenching of my fists, my nails digging deep. But that pain is nothing compared to what has been done to my heart.

“Yes, sir,” she murmurs. “Anything you want.”

My lip trembles as tears slowly descend down my cheeks, spelling out heartbreak.Oh no. I’m going to throw up. I clutch the bag of food in my hand and creep closer toward the door.Don’t do this to us, Aiden.Please. I don’t know why I’m begging when I know what I’ll see, when I know the forever he promised me on one picturesque winter night has vanished.

Gripping the handle of the door, I slowly twist, just as more heavy grunting stabs my ears, the grunts I’d recognize anywhere, the sounds belonging to the man whom I love, the one who I thought felt the same.

“Damn, Katie. You feel good. Wider.” I bite the inside of my cheek, suppressing the whimper bubbling out of my throat.

The door creeps open, and at first, I see nothing but the green velvet couch against the left side of the wall, but I hear them, the skin on skin, the cries and moans. I know what it means, no matter how much I want to deny it, no matter how badly I wish this were a dream, it’s not, it’s real and it’s happening. Nothing I do will erase what I’m about to see, but wish I never had to.

I swing the door open some more, a little at a time, and lose all ability to breathe, it’s sucked right out of me. If a heart could rip out of one’s chest, mine would. It’d be beating on the floor, right next to his desk where he fucks her.

He thrusts behind her, and all the hopes and dreams I’ve created for us slip away. He’s destroyed our entire future, turned our love into embers as if it never existed. I stand there, nothing but a mere shell of the woman I was only moments before.

When love dies, the myriad of colors die with it. Everything around me darkens, the vivid hues sucked out, turning monochrome.

He clutches her blond hair as he continues to betray me, unaware that I’m standing there, every exhale sending me closer to my complete demise.

My hands shudder and the bag of food falls out of my hands, flopping to the floor. That’s when he notices me, the outsider standing at the doorway.

He turns his face to the side, his widened, horror filled eyes finally meeting mine. “Lexi. Shit.” He scrambles off of her, while her eyes flare in horror before she turns away. He brings his pants up, quickly tucking himself back in as he moves further away from her.

He edges closer to me, but I keep my eyes glued to the blond, far thinner and younger than I am. She grasps her white blouse with one hand, trying to close it around her nakedness, while pulling down her pencil skirt with the other. Her eyes dart back and forth between me and the wall in front of her. I see the fear reflected in her eyes. What does she see in mine? Is it the pain feasting on my soul? Or maybe it’s the blazing anger, burning liquid fire, turning me to dust.

She knows about me, she has to. She wasn’t shocked when she saw me, she was only scared they got caught.

Did he approach her? Or did she start this? How many times? Is it sick that I want to know everything?
