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“Snow, there are rules. You may not have chosen this new life of yours…but it is your life now. Disobedience leads to disorder, and with disorder comes danger and death. Everyone and everything in this world have a place and a purpose. You need to learn yours. And by God, by the end of this night, you will know both.”

Unwrapping his belt, he flipped the long leather strap over a large tangle of horns which were suspended from the high ceiling.

I had not noticed it at first and now I did not know how I could have missed it. It spanned almost the length of my body. A macabre chandelier of antlers, horns, and bones.

I watched in stunned confusion as he wrapped his belt around the large bone which ran the length of the chandelier and then buckled it to make a wide loop. Walking to a worn leather trunk at the end of the bed, he pulled free more leather straps and thick rawhide ropes.

Without even glancing my way, he commanded, “Take off your clothes, Snow.”

Wrapping my arms around my middle, I hesitated.

“You just got those pretty garments. It would be a shame if I was forced to tear them off you.”

His quietly uttered threat might as well have been a bellow for its effectiveness. Without another moment’s hesitation, my shaking fingers flew to the buttons of my blue vest. They had only given me a shirt, skirt and a vest…no undergarments. My breasts felt heavy as the constraining fabric of the vest loosened. Trying to bide my time, I carefully folded it and placed it to the side. Wanting to keep the protective, albeit flimsy, covering of the linen shirt for as long as possible, I reached back to unbutton the skirt. Reluctantly, I let it fall to my slippered feet.

All the while, I watched him weave several rawhide ropes and another leather strap around the various antlers and horns.

Bending over, I removed my new slippers. I hesitated.

“All of your clothes, Snow. I want you completely bare,” he ordered, again without even looking my way, as if he had a sixth sense for my movements.

Catching on the neckline of the shirt, my long black curls flipped up, then bounced down around my shoulders, not quite reaching my nipples as I pulled the fabric over my head.

Nervously, I shifted from foot to foot as a shiver ran down my spine despite the warm room. Under my lashes, I watched him remove his trousers. Heavy, muscled thighs, covered with more of that dark hair, first met my gaze. Then I caught sight of his cock, jutting proudly from between his legs. Swallowing in fear, I closed my eyes to block out the vision of the thick, long shaft. After a moment, I opened them again, not wanting to be caught unaware.

Walking over to the wall, Dagr unfurled the rope from around a wooden lever. The antler chandelier slowly lowered till it was several feet from the floor. He secured the rope around the lever and turned to me.

His dark eyes seemed to glow in the candlelight. His anticipation was palpable, from the tense set of his shoulders to his fisted hands, to the firm set of his jaw. He radiated barely restrained arousal.

I didn’t dare look…there.

I opened my mouth to speak…to plead…to beg…but no sound came out. Just a pitiful squeak.

Placing his finger under my chin, he raised my head to his gaze. I could feel him taking my measure. Unconsciously, I licked my lips. He bared his teeth and let out a low growl. Slipping his hand behind my neck, he propelled me across the room. Placing his warm hands around my waist, he lifted and set me on the leather loop created with his belt. The sharp edges of the leather cut into the lush flesh of my bottom as I tried to adjust my awkward position.

“Don’t move.”


“Don’t move.”

Dagr then grabbed my left ankle and lifted it high, securing it inside a rawhide loop. I reached up to grab onto a pair of antlers just above my head as I strained to keep upright. He grabbed my other ankle and did the same. My legs were now outstretched on either side of his narrow hips. I blushed to see his gaze wander to my open and exposed cunny. The belt cut painfully into my skin now that my full weight was seated on the narrow strip of leather. I watched as Dagr circled behind me. I tried to turn my head to see what he would do next, but another darkly uttered reminder to stay still had me obediently facing forward.

His fingers delved into my hair. Sharp pricks of pain erupted across my scalp as he cruelly pulled on my long locks, forcing my head and torso back.

I cried out as my hands lost their grip on the smooth surface of the horns and I fell backward. My body swung on my precarious perch as his strong hands used his grip on my hair to force me into a prone position.
