Page 7 of June Kisses

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He’d been saved by Landon, who had promised to pick up the pieces. Finn explained the situation to the second girl, who fortunately was more than happy to go to Homecoming with Landon.

“He’s gonna have to learn some smoother moves,” Sunnie said, turning back to look at Landon.

“I’d say it’s a family failing. Something in the genes.”

“Excuse me. I’ll have you know, Landon Riggs, that my moves have moves.”

He rolled his eyes. “Come on, Sunnie. I’ve known you since you were four years old. Remember Joey Dantzler in second grade? Those ‘do you like me’ letters you used to write him with the yes or no boxes? Those were really smooth,” he said sarcastically.

She laughed. “I was seven. And the asshole always checked no.”

“I haven’t noticed you perfecting the art of subtlety since then. How many guys put their number in your phone last weekend at the Power Plant?”

Landon, Allison, Finn and Sunnie had gone club-hopping on the Inner Harbor the previous weekend.

She crossed her arms. “Three.”

“Did you text any of them?”

Sunnie shook her head. “Nope. Decided I wasn’t interested.”

“Seems to be a theme with you. Dance ’til you drop with a guy, make out during the slow songs, then ditch them at the door.”

Sunnie lifted one shoulder casually. “What can I say? I’m young and wild and free.”

As if on cue, they broke into the chorus of the Snoop Dogg song in unison, then Sunnie kept going, rapping the Wiz Khalifa part until they started laughing.

“I’ve got another year of school, and I am in no hurry to fall in love,” she said. “Settling down and becoming boring like you is going to have to wait. I have decided to grow up in my thirties.”

“Six years is a long time.”

She shook her head. “Blink of an eye.”

“Not sure I want to meet the guy who convinces you to hang up your hootchie-mama heels.”

“He’ll be built like John Cena with Chris Pine’s eyes, and when we’re in bed, he’ll—”

Landon cut her off. “Do me a favor, Sunshine.”

“What’s that?”

“Keep working on that list until what the guy looks like doesn’t matter as much as how he treats you.”

“Now who sounds like Pop Pop?”

He raised one eyebrow until she relented.

“Deal.” Then she stood up, leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re a better brother than my own sometimes.”

He lifted one shoulder casually. “You’re setting the bar pretty low, but I’ll take it.”

Chapter Two

A year later…

Landon tossed an empty beer can into the recycling bin and reached into the tub of ice for another.

“Take it easy, cowboy. I’m pretty sure that liquor-to-beer thing only applies if you aren’t alternating the two. And you’ve already done three tequila shots.”

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