Page 61 of Wild Night

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“Just the same,” she said, “maybe you should clear it with your family. I really don’t want to impose.”

“It’s not an imposition.” Colm knew his family would be fine with it, especially when they found out about his and Kelli’s change in relationship status.

Deep down, Colm was hoping this Christmas would be the first in a lifetime of holidays he and Kelli would spend together as a couple. And he knew perfectly well that meant Christmases with Barb as well.

Colm pressed his forehead against hers. “I guess you’re going to make me go be social, aren’t you? Or can I convince you to go upstairs for a quickie?”

“No quickie.” She shook her head, though she was grinning widely. His invitation to Christmas seemed to have lifted the weight of the world off her shoulders. “I haven’t had my pumpkin pie yet, and there’s no way I’m taking a chance on missing it. You know how those vultures are once the desserts come out.”

Kelli’s favorite part of Thanksgiving was his mom’s pumpkin pie. She loved it so much, Mom baked one for her for Christmas every year that, as her mom said, “Kelli doesn’t have to share.”

And Kelli didn’t.

She didn’t even slice the Christmas gift pie. Just grabbed a fork and went after it.

“Well, if you’re not going to come up for the quickie, you’re coming up to spend the night. Nonnegotiable.”

Kelli gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m not a fool, Colm. I’m not about to fight you on something I want. Badly.” She ran her hand down his chest suggestively before drifting even lower. She just barely grazed his covered cock, but it was enough to wake the boy up. “I’m thinking a blowjob might be on the books, thanks to the Christmas invite.”

“Dammit,” he muttered. “An erection and jeans don’t mix, beauty. You know that.”

She gave him a wicked grin and another stroke, leaving him rock-hard. “I do know that. That’s what makes it so much fun for me.”

“Payback’s a bitch, Kell. Just remember.”

She lifted one shoulder as if she didn’t have a care in the world, then she turned back toward the dining area of the pub just as Aunt Riley yelled out, “Dessert!”

He heard Kelli laughing, perfectly aware she’d left him at a disadvantage as she disappeared among the crowd of his family, all of whom were jockeying for position around the cakes and pies.

Colm readjusted his pants, counted to twenty, then pictured Barb in a bikini. By the time he’d gotten himself under control and to the dessert line, the pumpkin pie was long gone. He looked over and spotted Kelli with a huge slice.

He narrowed his eyes because, well, it was his favorite too.

She lifted her hand and revealed two forks.

Oh yeah, Colm thought.

This was definitely love.

Now he just had to convince her.

Chapter Twelve

“Well, look what the cat dragged in. Haven’t seen you since Thanksgiving, lad. Come have a pint with me.”

Colm grinned as Pop Pop waved him over. He’d been in court all day and he was running on fumes. He had actually just planned to swing by to pick up some more clothes, then head over to Kelli’s.

But a pint with his grandfather was something he was never too busy to say no to.

His dad came out of the back and smiled when he saw him. “Hey, stranger. Where the hell have you been?”

Colm sank down on the stool next to Pop Pop. “Long day in court.”

“That accounts for today, but you’ve been scarce since that Friendsgiving party you all throw every year. What’s going on with you?” Dad asked.

Obviously, Padraig hadn’t filled Dad and Pop Pop in on Kelli. He’d have to remember to thank his twin. Kelli was right. It was fun to drop the bomb.

“Well…” he drawled, dragging out the word. It had the desired effect.

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