Page 48 of Wild Night

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“I’m going to ignore how good you are at that,” he murmured, repeating her words.

She pulled away from him, laughing softly as she tugged his zipper down. Reaching into his open jeans, she wrapped her hand around his cock.

“Going commando, I see.”

He winked, loving her easy smile and the way she rolled her eyes at him.

Kelli had probably rolled her eyes a million times in his presence, typically in annoyance over something he said that she found offensive or arrogant. The devil in him had always enjoyed provoking that response from her, loved tweaking her, teasing her, giving her shit.

Never, not once, had it made him this hard, made him lose his mind with desire, with need.

This time…

“God, Kelli.” Her impatience rubbed off on him as he took one small step back, drawing her off the sink so he could divest her of her jeans. She helped him, shimmying them and her panties down her hips, before she kicked them off with her shoes.

He opened the drawer next to her, rummaging to the back, finding the stash of condoms he and Oliver kept there “for emergencies.”

Kelli had shoved his jeans to his knees and resumed her place on the sink, using her legs to draw him back to her.

Halloween had been hours of foreplay and fondling, but it was clear neither of them was interested in a repeat performance of that. At least not this time.

Colm had spent too many nights alone with just his hand since then.

He opened the condom wrapper and started to pull it on. He’d just covered the tip when Kelli stopped him.

He looked up, catching her tentative—confused?—gaze.

He shook his head. “That’s a lot longer conversation, Kell.”

Her hand dropped away as she nodded hastily. “You’re right. It is.”

“And we’re going to have it.” Colm finished rolling on the condom, wondering if she’d stop him now. If the magic had somehow been broken.

He should have known better.

Kelli was indomitable, unshakable. Amazing.

She guided his cock to the opening of her body.

He wiggled his thumb over her clit. She was wet. So damn wet.

Her eyes drifted closed when he pressed the head inside.

“No,” he said, more loudly than he’d intended.

Her eyes flew open, met his.

“Don’t close your eyes. I want to make damn sure you know exactly who you’re with this time.”

She laughed, just one brief huff of amusement, before he thrust in. Straight to the hilt.

Kelli threw her head back as they found their rhythm in seconds. She added her own strength to his, using her legs to pull him back inside her every time he retreated.

They came together in a rush as he moved in and out in an almost brutal fashion.

Kelli drove him on, demanding more. Always more.

“Wait!” she cried out when he completely withdrew.

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