Page 38 of Wild Night

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“You left with Robbie.”

She nodded, biting her lower lip, clearly feeling guilty. Colm had noticed Robbie and Brooke had hit it off at the party. The science teacher didn’t seem to mind Brooke’s never-ending talking.

“We’ve been going out since then. I’m so sorry I avoided your calls and texts. I just didn’t know how to tell you. And that was wrong. I really am sorry.”

“It’s okay, Brooke. Honest. I’m happy for you and Robbie.”

She blushed. “Thanks. I know it’s early, but God, I kind of think he might be the one.”

Colm smiled. Brooke and Robbie had been in the Collins Dorm just one time, and they’d both been struck down by the curse. “That’s great.”

“Well. Um. He’s actually waiting for me in the parking lot. We have dinner plans tonight. He wanted to come in himself to apologize, but I asked to do it alone.”

“You and I weren’t in a relationship, Brooke.”

“I know,” she said quickly. “But that night…” She lifted one shoulder. “I was wrong to leave with him, without telling you.”

“I’m glad you stopped by. Tell Robbie it’s cool.”

“Thanks for being so understanding.” Brooke stood, leaving, but Colm didn’t spare her a second glance.

Instead, he looked back at Kelli, who was obviously telling a heck of a story. Her hands were waving a mile a minute, and his two cousins were laughing so hard, they had tears in their eyes.

A light flashed on, and for a second, he swore he actually felt something inside go…click.

He glanced over to the bar. Rising, he walked across the room, stopping next to Pop Pop, right in front of Padraig.

“Where did you spend Halloween night?” Colm asked.

“What?” Padraig was clearly confused by the abrupt, odd question, but Colm needed to know.

“Halloween night. After the party. Where did you sleep?”

Padraig looked confused. “At my place. Emmy was my DD. She drove me home, got me into the apartment, poured me into bed, and then slept on the couch.” He looked over at Emmy and smiled.

Emmy shrugged casually. “I was worried about him. So much bourbon.”

“Lovely lass,” Pop Pop said with a smile.

“Never again,” Padraig promised her before looking back at Colm. “Why?”

“No reason.”

All of Kelli’s worrying, her guilt, had been for nothing. She hadn’t been with Padraig.

She’d been with him.

All the pieces fell together, the puzzle complete.

Colm stood by the bar, trying to get himself together. He felt raw inside, ragged. Like he’d just gone twelve rounds with the heavyweight.

“Colm?” Pop Pop said.

At the same time, Padraig asked, “You okay, Bro?”

Colm considered the question…then felt a grin spread across his face. “Yeah. I’m good. I’m really fucking good.”

“Language,” Pop Pop murmured.

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