Page 28 of Wild Night

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Her second climax struck fast and hard, her body trembling as if she’d received one hell of an electric shock. He didn’t acknowledge it, didn’t slow down.

“Ahh!” she yelled into the pillow, uncertain she could withstand another orgasm like that. Even as her traitorous hips began pushing back toward him, demanding that he take her harder.

Every thrust felt like flint against steel, sparking hotter, making her burn.

Then his thumb found its way to her ass, the tip rubbing around the entrance.

Oh my God.

He wiggled it suggestively—that was it, just a suggestion—and she was lost. When she came again, she took him down with her. Both of them jerking against each other, taking as much as they could, roughly, gracelessly.

Kelli’s knees gave out, sliding down until she lay prostrate on the bed, facedown.

Robbie turned as he fell to his back next to her, his hand resting on the heated flesh of her ass.

She huffed out a laugh when he lifted it lazily, placing one last smack there, before she heard his breath deepen, sleep taking him.

Kelli was only a moment behind him, her eyes drifting shut. Her last cognizant thought was that she’d never felt so…content, sated.


* * *

The next time Kelli opened her eyes, the darkness that had permeated the room had brightened to a dark slate gray. It was still hard to see, but Kelli knew morning had arrived. She shifted slowly, grinning at the stiffness in muscles that hadn’t gotten that good of a workout in way too long. She’d passed out on the edge of the bed, so it was very easy for her to sit up without jarring Robbie, who was still sound asleep.

She sighed, blissfully, blinking to try to bring some part of the room into focus. Colm was going to kill her when she confessed to having sex in his bed.

Not that the thought dimmed her smile. It actually only made the whole night that much better.

Her head hurt, but not as badly as she might have expected. And she was thirsty, her mouth bone-dry. Neither of those things bothered her as much as they might have if last night hadn’t been so…perfect.

She rose gingerly, secretly loving the soreness between her legs.

She’d missed sex, even the lackluster variety she’d endured the past few years.


Kelli wasn’t certain she’d be able to settle for anything less than what she and Robbie had shared last night.


She turned to look at him, but he faced away from her. She admired his bare, muscular back. She hadn’t realized he was so strong, so physically built. He hid way too much of the good stuff under his loose-fitting T-shirts.

Glancing around the room, she spotted her Merida dress laying in a heap near the corner. She hadn’t thought to bring a change of clothes, which was stupid. She’d known she was spending the night, but she’d been running late and figured she’d just borrow something from Darcy for the return trip home.

She stood up and stretched. The shifting of the mattress didn’t wake Robbie, but it roused him enough that he turned over, his arm claiming the spot she’d just vacated.

Kelli started to bend down to see if she could wake him with a kiss, but as she shifted closer…



Fuck no.

She backed away from the bed quickly, her heart suddenly lodged in her throat, her lungs constricted so tightly, she couldn’t breathe.


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