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Waking up with Philip shaking her slightly, Victoria asked,

“Where are we?”

Philip told her they had arrived at Claringdale mansion, and that Perkins would now attend to her as he had some things to prepare before he'd see her again later that evening. Perkins showed Victoria to her room, a large and impressive Victorian room, overlooking the grounds at the front of the house.

“This is your room now Miss Victoria, the master wants you to feel at home. Do call on me if you need anything.” Said Perkins, closing the door behind him and leaving her there alone. Victoria looked around the place, the furnishings were a mixture of modern and antique, and she wondered about the history and lives of the women that had stayed there in previous centuries. The room, Victoria found, wasn't only a bedroom, there were two doors at each side of it, and as she opened one, she saw behind it was a day room, for her own personal use. The sofa and armchairs felt comfortable she thought, as she pressed her hand into the material to check it. On a coffee table, she found a few of her favorite magazines, it seemed to her that Philip Claringdale had really researched what she liked. Trying the other door, she found an en-suite bathroom with a bath tub and a separate shower, depending on which one she wanted to use at the time. On the table in front of the large mirror was a basket filled with expensive toiletries, and next to it a wide range of cosmetics and perfumes; with her favorite one moved slightly forward, as if to show her that no detail had been spared.

After relaxing for a while and taking a hot shower, she wondered exactly what Philip was preparing; he was always being so mysterious, she thought. She told herself she'd later talk to him properly about the fact that he'd ignored her for so long, communication always cleared up most misunderstandings, and it must have been a misunderstanding, she figured. After about an hour of Victoria relaxing on the sofa, taking in the warm breeze coming through the window she had opened, Perkins knocked on her door and Victoria told him to come in,

“The master will see you now Victoria. I hope you are prepared.”

“Prepared?” Victoria wondered, why did the English have to be so formal. Why should you need to 'prepare' yourself for a simple conversation? Victoria followed Perkins out of her room. Walking down one corridor led to another, and then another,

“How big is this mansion?” She asked, looking at the old oil paintings that graced the walls as they walked by them.

“Well Miss Victoria, if you're not familiar with the place, you could get lost in it. It was designed to be like a maze by the first Lord Claringdale. It came in most useful during the English civil war when anti-royalists attempted to execute the then Lord Claringdale. They spent weeks trying to find him and his family in the mansion, but were unable to do so.”

Victoria was astounded. A house that was a maze inside! She wondered what would happen if she did get lost, perhaps she'd be wandering the corridors for days.

“Of course now, Lord Claringdale uses the house and rooms for other things.” Perkins added somewhat cryptically, Victoria thought.

“I advise you not to walk around sections of the house you are not familiar with Miss Victoria.”

Victoria didn't plan to. Her sense of direction was bad enough with a map in her hands, let alone in a maze.

Arriving at a door, Perkins told Victoria to go inside as the master was waiting for her. Victoria entered the room; there was a musky smell pervading it, but what most surprised her was Philip. He was standing there wearing horse riding gear with tight brogues that made his crotch stand out, bending a horse whip in his hand as he looked at her coldly. Victoria found the whole thing curious,

“Have you just come back from riding Philip?”

Philip walked towards her, stopping only when his strong features were inches away from her own.

“What I am wearing is not for riding a horse Victoria, it's for riding you.”

Victoria was slightly excited at the prospect, but the horse whip was the thing that worried her a little.

“Sit down Victoria.” Philip told her, pointing over to a bare stool with his horse whip, the stool strangely placed in the center of the room beside an old looking trunk. Victoria sat down, as then Philip stood over her, making her feel like a little girl who'd just done something wrong.

“Do you remember our contract Victoria? Do remember one of the rules was that you will see me whenever I command, or you will receive punishment at a later date?” Philip asked.

“You didn't contact me for a whole month, why did you ignore me for a whole month? You didn't take care of me. That's also part of the contract!” Victoria argued.

“But you see, dear Victoria, that is also part of your training as a submissive. You must learn how to endure it. You cannot know where I am taking you, or by what methods I will help you arrive there.”

Philip began to pace up and down in front of Victoria.

“Do you not find it somewhat unusual that there were no photographers to harass you at the airport when you arrived?” Philip eyed her carefully, becoming more animated.

Victoria had thought that strange, it was so unusual as to be impossible in her experience.

“It was I that arranged that. I used some of the families' connections to put pressure on the necessary people. So I have been taking care of you Victoria, only you are not aware of the lengths I go to.”

Victoria felt bad, but still wondered if him not contacting her for a month was really part of her submissive training. She had to admit though, it had changed her somewhat; she was used to men calling her several times a day at least, but the fact that Lord Claringdale hadn't, only seemed to increase her desire for him, and that was what she had been missing with other men. Victoria felt confused, confused between the way she thought she wanted to be treated, and the way she was actually being treated Philip, that in point of fact, turned her on.

Philip opened the trunk beside Victoria, and inside, to her shock, were some chains and locks.

“What are you going to do with those?” She asked, half guessing the answer already, but wanting to make sure.

“I will chain you up and punish you. It is inevitable. The contract must be followed if discipline is to be maintained.”

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