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With her buttocks protruding, Phillip began to thrust the humming vibrator in and out of her, while spanking her rhythmically at the same time. Victoria sank her teeth into the leather chair as she tried to brace herself for the deletable onslaught. The smell of the leather, and the ox blood and gold patterned wallpaper in front of her, added to the ambiance, but she could barely keep her eyes open as Phillip, with his other hand, took off her bra and freed her breasts, as she was on her knees on the chair with her body rocking backwards and forwards each time Phillip saw fit to spank her, with his warm palm dashing against her fleshy cheeks.

Pulling her silk panties to the side more, Phillip exposed Victoria's rear-end fully; she felt some of Phillips warm saliva land on her, and it made her brace herself for a moment of delight.

“What are you doing?” She asked, still not being able to fully turn around.

Phillip just said,

“You'll find out soon enough.” Matter-of-factly; and Victoria felt the tip of his finger go inside her back-passage. It was, at first, an unusual sensation for her; she'd never had anything enter there before, and certainly couldn't see the fascination with doing so either... but at that very moment, she thrilled at the sensation. Phillips' finger tip moved inside her slowly, in a motion that was similar to the way you'd beckon someone who'd done something wrong to come and get their punishment. The vibrator was still going deep inside as she clawed at the chair with her hands. The feeling of two things inside her, made her feel wanton. It wasn't what she'd expected from herself. Surely no liberated woman wanted to be treated like this, but she knew, in fact, she did want this. It was what she had always wanted, no matter how politically incorrect it may have been.

Phillip inserted his finger deeper into her anus, and for a moment Victoria wasn't sure if it felt like pleasure or pain, but as he moved his finger around inside her she knew it was most definitely pleasure. Her tit's brushed against the smooth satin of the cushion under her, as her body moved in compliance to the sexual stimulation she was receiving in her first lesson as a slave to a lord.

Phillip needed the super-models' lips around him, and so told her to get on her knees on the floor. She did so without hesitation, with Phillip, sliding his pants down and around his ankles. His cock revealed itself to be as exceptionally long and hard as Victoria had secretly hoped. It had a slight curve to it, and she knew that, because of that, it would angle upwards and brush her G-spot effortlessly. But at that moment, Victoria did as she was told.

“I want you to lick around the side of my penis, it is your duty now to pleasure me, my slave.”

Victoria wanted so badly to touch her own pussy when he said this, but her other hand was now cupping his balls, as she slid her hand along his long shaft and then moved her tongue around the tip of him. She made sure her tongue gave the right amount of pressure and softness to please her new master. Phillip grabbed her hair and pulled it back so Victoria was now looking up at him as she licked around the top of his cock. His manly dick somehow made he feel so submissive to him, he was dominating her, and making her feel this was what she'd wanted all her life. She slid her tongue down to his balls and licked at the base of them, making his body shudder. His cock in the candle light cast a shadow on the deep pile carpet beneath her, the shadows made it look even longer than it already was. As she then moved her tongue up to the top of his cock again. Phillip pulled her head forward, thrusting his dick into her mouth right to the back of her throat. She gagged, but Phillip allowed her head to move out again and she felt a desire to force it down her once more, which she did as she looked up at his acute features in the candlelight. Grabbing at his muscular ass, she started to pull him towards herself, making him fuck her mouth; it excited her, she knew he was using her mouth as a fuck-tool, but that only made it more exciting. Her pussy was already wet, but it was getting more so, as Victoria felt his wide girth opening her mouth up. His hands now on her shoulders, pulling her forward onto him ever more.

“I will have you whenever I choose Victoria. And you will submit every time.” Phillip stated, as he looked down at her. Victoria murmured her compliance and continued to engulf him in her mouth. The alcohol she had drunk earlier made her giddy, she felt the room spin slightly; but it was not a bad feeling, it was the kind of sensation that made her feel she was somehow merging with Phillip. She couldn't quite explain it, but she was becoming one with him in some way. He suddenly lifted her up and pulled her over to the large soft bed, making Victoria gasp at his strength. Turning her over, face up and on the bed, he raised her legs up and without any warning or ceremony, arched his cock deep inside her. It was what Victoria had been waiting for, and the anticipation had made the moment all the more ecstatic. all nine inches of Philip went up to the hilt in her.

Her wetness had already been flowing out of her, and as his thick length began thrusting in and out of her, he was like a man possessed, the years of desire for her finally culminating in that very moment. Her panties were still on, and she could feel his cock brushing up against the side of them as he remorselessly took her. With her legs up high, he gripped her ankles together and rode her like a willful mare in need of taming. Victoria had known many men, but none with the fierceness and desire that Phillip had in his eyes for her. She knew she wasn't just another woman; he had waited for her and watched her from afar. It had been him outside the modeling show in central London, in the limousine she had seen. It had been him that had taken the trouble to find out that her deepest desire was to be submitted to a worthy master... it had all been planned, and she knew it as he thrust deeply into her, staring into her eyes and wanting to enter her not only physically, but to merge with her very soul.

She felt owned, it was what she had always wanted. None of this equality crap; sure, she had acted it out, accepting common thought and playing the game; but what she had desired above all else was a viciously passionate man who'd dominate her, that fucked her to within what seemed like an inch of her life... and with Phillip, she got it. He knew what she wanted, he knew what she needed, and he just took, and knew that by taking her body and using it as his object of pleasure, he was fulfilling her every desire.

As he rode her, she felt her abdomen start to contract, it was subtle at first, but then the spasms started to increase. The light in the room seemed to grow more intense, as did Philip, as she writhed under him, trying to escape, but not really wanting to, as he held her firm in place. He reached up and grabbed her hair and pulled it towards him, and it slightly hurt her, but she was his slave now, and whatever he wanted was accepted without question. His final thrusts were brutal, like an animal seeking to consume its prey, Victoria felt it come all at once, she screamed loudly and came with her body jerking, yet still not being able to really move much under him. It only added to her intense orgasm that was careening through her. Phillip pulled out and then straddled himself over Victoria's still panting mouth, as her tongue extended to receive his cum. There was a part of her just observing what she was doing, and almost shocked at her own behavior; but that part of herself had no control over her now, he did.

He burst forth and shot over her cheek and into her mouth, she moved her mouth forward, desiring receive all of his pearlescence. But there was too much, and some spilled itself on the satin sheets. With Philip reeling, she reached down with her finger and took some onto it and smoothed it onto her breasts. Some of his juice was on her face, and some also her hair, but she felt owned... she felt as if this was what she had been needing for many years. All the cameras, the famous stars, the media attention, none of it came close to that moment in her mind.

Falling onto the bed beside her, Phillip gasped as his body reached for hers. He put his arm around her as she, with her finger, wiped the last of his billionaire come into her mouth, and she took it down. Sliding his hand up to one of her breasts and smoothing his cum into them more, he moved his leg over her thigh and held her closer to him.

Waking up, Victoria found Phillip gone. It was only her lying on the bed. She couldn't tell what time of day or night it was, but she put on what little clothes she had, and traced her way back to the place where the attire she had worn the previous evening was. It was morning she could tell, as she saw the sun tracing lines on the wooden floors through the windows in the hallway. Perkins, The butler, appeared as she walked into the main corridor and greeted her with a smile, and told her,

“The master has some business to attend to, and I do sincerely apologize as I was supposed to ensure I was there when you awoke.”

It made Victoria feel better. She had expected Philip to be there when she awoke, but what the butler had said, had made her dismiss her previous feelings of abandonment that had been rising in her heart. Perkins led her into a sumptuous dining room with fresh flowers placed all along the table. The scent of them filled the room and there was a note on the table beside the plate, it read:

'I have business to attend to, but, the next time you are in London I will send for you. Your training is only just beginning. There is still much work we must do together my Victoria. P.Claringdale.'

Victoria read the note as her breakfast was served by a slip of maid nervously placing the food in front of her. Victoria smiled, knowing now that to serve was indeed divine. After she had finished eating, the butler led her to the large front doors, and told her there was a car ready and waiting to take her back to her hotel in London. But before she left, with silver tray in-hand, he presented her with a gold credit card.

“What's this for?” She asked, confused, looking at it and turning it over in her hand.

“This is a credit card that you can use for whatever you desire or need. It is the masters wish ,and duty, that you have this. The contract stated that all your needs would be taken care of, and this is just one of them.”

Victoria looked at the card again; she didn't really need financial assistance in any way, shape or form, but she took it as a part of her contract... a contract she now hoped would fulfill her and her life for the coming years.

Being Driven back to London, Victoria wondered when the next time she would see Phillip would be. With any luck, she would be back in London for further training within the month as she had another modeling assignment already booked in the city.

The space between her legs was still feeling as if he, Lord Philip, was still inside her. Just thinking about it made her begin to get wet again. She had no idea what the next challenge in her submissive training would be, and if she had known at that time, she might have thought better of it; but at that moment, she felt encapsulated with the seeming essence of him still inside her.

As the car drove down winding countryside roads, she looked back at Philip's mansion, fading into the distance, and dismissed a nagging sense of unease that suddenly rose up to her awareness...

To be Near Him

The plane banked lazily and began its final descent into Heathrow airport. Milan had been dull, thought Victoria, but having been there countless times before, it was nothing new for her after all. Her modeling assignments frequently took her to the city. But it had been almost a month since she had signed her slave contract with Phillip Claringdale, and the same amount of time she hadn't seen or heard from him. She wondered if the billionaire had grown tired of her after that one initiation as his slave. It seemed quite ridiculous that he would have gone to all that trouble to meet her and then... 'nothing'. No phone calls, no messages, no contact whatsoever. That had been what made Milan so boring, she realized, it was the fact that she spent most days just thinking about her master, Lord Philip, and wishing he was with her to give her the further training he had promised. She had tried to contact him several times, but his butler, Perkins, had always told her he was unavailable. Victoria wondered if he had already found another 'play thing', if that was what she was. She'd even deliberately bought a ridiculously expensive diamond ring with the credit card he'd given her, just to get his attention, or some reaction at least. Yet, nothing; no reaction, no repercussions, or even an angry phone call. She had considered buying something else even more expensive, but she knew it was pointless. Philip Claringdale was just one of those kinds of men who couldn't be moved until he decided he wanted to be.

Knowing there would no doubt be some paparazzi waiting for her at Heathrow, she had called her long-time model friend Cindy to pick her up, and she'd arranged to stay with her for a few nights. Victoria often stayed at Cindy's Knightsbridge apartment whenever she had something on her mind, and now she most definitely had a lot on her mind. She wondered if she'd just been played for a fool by the billionaire. She was a successful woman in her own right, and it cut her deep that any man would think so little of her, to then ignore her for a whole month, especially after she had submitted to his will so conclusively. Famous men had courted her, successful men had wooed her, so who did this Philip Claringdale think he was to ignore her for a whole month, she wondered.

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