Page 10 of His Will, My Desire

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“I'm so sorry!” Said Victoria, looking at the man rubbing his head.

Her thoughts had been elsewhere, and she'd forgotten just how deceptively heavy her luggage was.

“If you are unable to actually pull your own luggage down,” began the man angrily, “Then might I suggest next time you store it somewhere else, or ask for help!”

“I'm really very sorry.” Said Victoria, feeling bad and a little embarrassed as people in the seats in front and to the side were now looking at her.

“Hey.” said the man suddenly, looking at her directly for the first time, “Aren't you Victoria Hunt, the model?”

“Urm, yes, I am.” Replied Victoria, sensing a lawsuit coming on.

“You know, my daughter is a big fan of yours, can I get your autograph?”

Victoria felt relived and sighed, but the man took it as a sign of reluctance on her part.

“I think it's not too much to ask when you've just almost given me brain damage.” Said the man.

“Oh no, no, it's no trouble at all, it's my pleasure, do you have a pen?” Victoria asked.

The man fumbled in his jacket and found one, and then searched for something for Victoria to write the autograph on. Taking his wallet out, he riffled through it, looking for some paper but at last settling on a picture of his daughter, asking Victoria to autograph the back of it.

“Do you want me to say anything?” Asked Victoria,

“Just say good luck with your dream of becoming a model.” He said, still rubbing his head trying to see if a bump was forming.

“She wants to be a model?” Asked Victoria, turning the photo back around to glance at the girl who was no more than seventeen years old by the looks of her.

“Yes, it's all she ever talks about; do you think she has any potential?”

“She's pretty.” Said Victoria, being honest, “But just do me a favor, don't be one of those fathers who always comments on her weight.” Remembering her own father's constant references to her figure when she was a teenager.

The man raised his eyebrows and lifted his belly, bouncing it up and down and retorted,

“Do you really think that with a straight face I can tell anyone to watch their weight when I look like this?”

Victoria laughed,

“I suppose not.”

Handing back the photo to the man, she left the train and walked down the platform with the wheels of her luggage making a whirring sound and every now and then grating on a stone. Arriving in the main part of the station, Victoria realized she didn't actually have a plan as to where to stay. She'd only returned to London to see Philip and had no bookings for the coming week. She stood there feeling stupid, and wondering if anyone would approach her, but a quick look around showed her that there was no one waiting for her. She felt dejected, perhaps she should have called him after all. It was too much to expect he'd know she'd be arriving back in London that day, she realized. Sometimes, just sometimes, thought Victoria, this whole submissive contract deal was a little too much. Why couldn't Philip be like a normal man and call her and tell her about himself and what he'd been doing that day; why the mystery and almost clandestine meetings? She knew why though, his position and her career would be greatly affected if it became known to the general public. Looking at her watch, for no other reason than in a vain hope that standing there a little longer would make 'someone' appear to meet her, she finally gave up, and decided to go outside and take a taxi to the Grosvenor Hotel.

It was one of the few days in London where it wasn't raining, but the still wet leaves under her feet from the previous nights rainfall made walking in her high heels precarious. She had wondered if to just wear her sneakers that day, but had thought if Philip did come to meet her, it would take away something of her glamor; it was silly really, and she knew it. And now the heels of her feet were paying the price. Finding a long queue at the taxi rank, Victoria walked down the road someway to hail one on a side road where she thought she'd probably have better luck. She cursed the uneven pavement as her luggage bumped up and down and made walking a real chore. Looking down the road, Victoria suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around she saw a tall man in a black suit and tie.

“Excuse me Miss, my names is Fredricks, and I'm here to pick you up for Lord Claringdale.”

Victoria didn't know if to be happy or not, but knew, she in fact was.

“I really should apologize, I was supposed to meet you in the station but I had so much trouble finding a parking space that I was late. If you'll just come this way, I'll take you to where you'll be staying.”

The man gestured towards her luggage, in a physical motion that was a question, asking if he could take her bag for her. Victoria gladly gave it to him, she was glad to be rid of the cumbersome thing, and followed behind him to the Bentley. Victoria had to ask herself how many cars Lord Philip had, she'd not seen that one before, but she'd not seen that driver before either.

“Where will I be staying?” Asked Victoria, wondering if the driver would be taking her to Claringdale Mansion.

“The master thouht you would feel at home at the Grosvenor, as you usually stay there, and it will be close to where he'll later meet you for dinner.”

That didn't seem too special, thought Victoria, staying at the same place she always stayed at, and felt a little disappointed. Yet the prospect of actually sitting down with Philip at dinner - where she'd be able to talk to him properly and ask him some much needed questions - calmed her.

“Where is Philip now?” Victoria asked, getting in the car as the driver held the door open for her, and then went around and entered the driver's side. Closing the door and starting the car, he answered her question looking back over his shoulder at her.

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