Page 7 of Pleasure Island

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He unties the gag. I’m tempted to scream but I know he’ll just put it back on. And it might not be smart to make him angry.

“Open your mouth,” he says.

“You speak English?”

“Yes.” His voice is deep and husky. I don’t know why this relieves me, but it does. At least we can communicate.

“What’s your name?” I ask him.

He’s staring down at me. He really is very … good looking. “Drake.”

“Drake?” It’s even more of a relief, I have no idea why, to know his name. “Drake, my plane crashed. I floated here on a raft. I need water. Please.”

“Our plane also crashed. A long time ago.”

Ours? He has an accent. “Where do you come from?”


“Drake, I’m Evie. Can I please have some water?”

“First I’m going to give you something else.” God, his voice is so … manly. So unlike Chad’s. His accent doesn’t sound exactly like the Australian people I’ve heard. There’s a low wildness to it that sounds different.

I’m so not used to men. They really are completely different creatures. The strength and the hairiness and the enormous … cock. It’s so big and hard and hot-looking.

“What are you going to give me?” I ask him. “Food?”

He contemplates me. Then he touches his tongue to my lower lip. “Open your mouth.”

I do, tentatively.

He takes his cock in his fist again and guides the head of it towards my open mouth.

I snap my lips closed. “No. I need water.”

Drake leans closer to me, encircling his fist loosely around my neck. He leans down and licks my lips. This shocks me and I try to pull away but he holds me there. He does it again, dipping his tongue into my mouth.

I squeal.

“Evie.” He’s staring into my eyes. “I haven’t seen a woman since I was fourteen years old. There are four other men on this island. Every single one of them will kill to have you as his own. Like I will. You’re mine. I found you. And I’m going to claim you in every way it’s possible to do. You can either submit to me willingly or you can submit to me unwillingly. Now open your mouth. Suck on me. Drink me.”

The word “drink” makes my mouth water. I’m so thirsty.

“I’ll give you water and food after you take my seed. And then I’m going to taste every inch of you and take you as my own and you’re going to let me.”

Oh, God. But I don’t protest. “What’s your … seed?”

“It’s … liquid.”

“Liquid?” I need liquid.

“Yes. Suck on me and I will give you liquid.”

“Then you’ll give me water? If I … drink … your seed?”


I’m so thirsty I’ll agree to anything. Even the moisture seeping from the end of his cock is better than nothing. I open my mouth a little. Drake has to lower his huge, rigid cock so the end is level with my mouth.
