Page 6 of Her Hot Neighbor

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There were two bedrooms and one bathroom, which was plenty as I didn’t intend on having many visitors. The shower was in the bath which was a pain. It meant I would have to struggle to get in and out. Oh well. Beggars can’t be choosers. And I was not exactly roughing it here, but I was paying a great price, which meant I could do other things like travel. Maybe I would get to see the Great Barrier Reef.

I walked around the cottage again trying to take in the atmosphere of the place. It was peaceful and I needed that. I ran my fingers along the mantlepiece. It was made of a beautiful piece of wood with intricate knots and a little bird had been carved into each end. Whoever made it was a real craftsman. I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. I shut my eyes and let out a big sigh. This was going to be good.

It would be dark soon, and I needed to get back to work. I was lucky I only had my suitcase to move. My trunk with my other items would not be arriving for weeks yet, but I would cope.

Later, I sat on the couch and sipped my hot chocolate as my body relaxed for the first time in months. I had found my safe haven. No ex-husbands, no stalkers, and for now, I would forget about the spiders and snakes lurking around the place. I needed to talk to someone so I Facetimed Grant.

He came online and beamed at me with his handsome smile as usual. His strength and happiness had kept me going on more than one occasion over the years. I needed to do this on my own this time though.

“Hi, Grant. I had to call you. I’ve found this fantastic cottage. I’ll send pictures—I even have kangaroos out the back. I had a laughing kookaburra but haven’t seen a koala yet.”

“Out the back. You sound like an Aussie already.” He laughed. “I knew it was the right thing for you to do. If I tell Hudson, he will want to come over tomorrow. So, how is the job going?” Grant asked as Charlotte walked by behind him and waved.

“Hi, Autumn.”

“Hi, Charlotte. It’s great, and not too stressful. I think this is going to be just what I need.” I wanted to say something but hesitated for a moment. “I wanted you to know I am so thankful that you believed in me when I was at the bottom. You helped me find my way back up again. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Grant wagged a finger at me. “You don’t have to thank me. I always feel I should have done more. I do know you can do anything. Listen, I don’t have much time to chat as I have to get to work. We are short on staff, and I have to cover for one of the other surgeons. Let’s talk again soon and I’ll let you know when we can visit. In the meantime, send lots of pictures but no snakes or giant spiders.”

* * *

I got ready for bed and made sure I had my crutches close by. I didn’t want to get up for a wee in the night and end up face-planting on the floor.

I slept like a log on the comfy queen-size bed. It was amazing for me as I never slept through the night. Well, not since the accident and the stalking. I tried to control the anxiety, but it was always there, lurking in the background. I expected every little noise to be someone trying to break in. I did remember hearing a door shut late last night and a dog barking, but it was probably my neighbor coming home. From what the agent had said, the guy who owns this cottage was living next door and renovating that one too. I would pop around after work and say hello. It was always a good idea to be friendly. You never knew when you might want a cup of sugar or a bottle of wine.

But right now, I was running late and needed a shower before I headed to the practice.

I placed a chair from the kitchen next to the bath. I always used my crutches to move first thing in the morning. It was easier to pop my prosthesis on after I had showered. It was next to the bath along with my clothes. One thing I found was that I had learned to be methodical since the accident. It would take a while to work things out in this new space, but I would get there. I would have my little routines.

I stood and wobbled as I pulled back the shower curtain and reached across to turn on the taps. It was my firm belief that everyone in the world hated shower curtains with a vengeance. I could not be the only one. They always stuck to your body and should be banned from all existence. I would also get a non-slip mat to go in the bath. Dear God, I seemed like some old grandma, but I had to be sensible. Back in my flat in London, I could get in and out of the shower with no problem. I hated the idea of having to kit out a house with special needs equipment, but it did make life easier. It was silly as I told patients to do it all the time but would not admit I needed it myself.

I sat on the chair and put my good leg over the rim of the bath. It was one of the pretty old ones with claw feet. It looked dramatic and suited the surroundings but wasn’t the most practical for me. I pulled myself across so I could stand and balance on one foot. This was good. I was adaptable and could make this work. I could do anything. Had Grant not said that last night?

The water pounded against my skin, helping my muscles relax. This was a new beginning, and I would wash away all the tension, along with the bad memories. At least there was good water pressure here.

“Bugger.” I dropped the soap and leaned down to grab it.

Then everything happened so fast—I was flying backward as my leg slipped forward. A scream left my lips though no one would hear it. I instinctively grabbed onto the shower curtain as I fell. It slowed my fall for a bit. I cringed and bit my lip as I watched each clip at the top of the curtain pop off one after another.

“No!” The last one pinged across the room as I scrambled to hold on to anything.

My butt hit first, and I screamed as the pain jolted up my back and through my body.

Before I could think straight, the door to the bathroom swung open.

I screamed.



My alarm went off. Shit. I had left the curtains open, and the light was streaming in right on my face. I squinted and was tempted to turn over and go back to sleep.

That was what happened when you had a beer too many and fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. I had a busy day of jobs ahead and needed to get next door sorted before I headed off. Lazing around here was not an option, no matter how much I wanted it to be.

I let Bluey out the back to do his business. I needed to clear up his little bombs later before he stank out the neighborhood or my new neighbor complained.

It didn’t take too long, and both my dog and I were fed and watered. Now I had something in my gut and painkillers on board I was feeling better already.

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